[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Nintendo Emulator!

abs0@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Kelvin Leung) (04/02/91)

I dunno if there is any Nintendo emulator for the Amiga.  However,
I know there is a Nintendo emulator for IBM PC compatibles.  It is
a card which plugs into one of the slots.  Hey, I wonder if it works
on the Amiga 2000 w/ Bridgeboard...

--Kelvin Leung
Kelvin   /  Internet: abs0@eleazar.dartmouth.edu 
   Leung/     or      kelvin.leung@dartmouth.edu

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (04/03/91)

abs0@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Kelvin Leung) writes:
>I dunno if there is any Nintendo emulator for the Amiga.  However,
>I know there is a Nintendo emulator for IBM PC compatibles.  It is
>a card which plugs into one of the slots.  Hey, I wonder if it works
>on the Amiga 2000 w/ Bridgeboard...

Ya got to be kidding? Where did ya hear of this thinggie for the IBM?

yorkw@ecn.purdue.edu  aka Willis F York   aka Squid on IRC 
The only thing that Apple invented is the idea to borrow Xerox-invented ideas.  
(Hope THIS sig don't insult anyone!)   :^)