[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Download blues

drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) (03/29/91)

Ok, here is the problem.  I downloaded StarTrekker1.2 from ab20 a couple 
nights ago.  I expected game, but I got some kind of music program instead.
That's fine, I was looking for one anyway.  The problem is the doc file.  It
is named StarTrekker1.2.doc.pp, and seems to be compressed or otherwise 
encoded.  I can't find a way to uncode the docs, and I can't figure out the 
program without them.  Who can tell me what is going on?




theacct@bill.ucsc.edu (El hombre de pelo estranja) (03/30/91)

In article <11432@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>Ok, here is the problem.  I downloaded StarTrekker1.2 from ab20 a couple 
>nights ago.  I expected game, but I got some kind of music program instead.
>That's fine, I was looking for one anyway.  The problem is the doc file.  It
>is named StarTrekker1.2.doc.pp, and seems to be compressed or otherwise 
>encoded.  I can't find a way to uncode the docs, and I can't figure out the 
>program without them.  Who can tell me what is going on?

The .pp suffix stands for 'powerpacker' and it means that it was compressed 
(or rather, 'crunched') using the Power Packer program by Nico Francois, it 
has an option for crunching text. To read the file you can either:

A> Get Power Packer and unpack the text file, never to worry about it being
unpacked again.

B> Get a program called PPMore(Nico too?) which is just a pager that
uncrunches text if it's crunched.  PowerPacker and PPmore should both be
available on abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov via anonymous ftp or you should be able 
to grab it from the Fish Collection if you have access to it.

Daniel Jalkut -- Amiga guy         | "And didn't I read that these devices
snozer@toast.santa-cruz.ca.us  /// |  go two way and everything I do or say
408-429-8628 -- Day           ///  |  is goin' on a tape somewhere right now
408-423-6926 -- Night       \XX/   |  planted in my cavities?"  -- LARD

bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu (Infomaniac) (03/30/91)

In article <11432@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU 
  (David Richards) writes:

> Ok, here is the problem.  I downloaded StarTrekker1.2 from ab20 a couple 
> nights ago.  I expected game, but I got some kind of music program instead.
> That's fine, I was looking for one anyway.  The problem is the doc file.  It
> is named StarTrekker1.2.doc.pp, and seems to be compressed or otherwise 
> encoded.  I can't find a way to uncode the docs, and I can't figure out the 
> program without them.  Who can tell me what is going on?
> Thanks,
> Dave

Have you every used PowerPacker?  The default extension for powerpacked files 
is .pp.  You will need PPMore or MuchMorePP to read the file.  PowerPacker and 
all the readers are available on AB20.larc.nasa.gov if you have FTP capabili- 

The document is readable in compressed format with these two programs.

comments/suggestions/additions/deletions/obfuscations/indigestions WELCOMED!!!
Gee. . . Toto . . . this sure doesn't look like Kansas!    
                                                               //  Have you
             Russ Bacon   University of NE at Omaha           //    tried
                 Bitnet - Bacon@UNOMA1                    \\ //       an
               Internet - Bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu           \\/      AMIGA??

David.Plummer@p0.f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (04/03/91)

The documentation file you are having problems with has been 
compressed by PowerPacker, and therefore the pp extension.  You will 
likely need to find a copy of PowerPacker itself or PPMore (if not 
included in the archive) in order to read the file.  PPMore handles 
normal and pp compressed files.

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
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