[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ab20 is becoming more organized! Praise be to Jon Taylor!

ameiba@reed.UUCP (Keith Steiger) (04/03/91)

I wandered into ab20's /incoming/amiga directory looking for something.  I
typed "cd ARCHIVERS" and was rewarded with a "No such file or directory"
message.  After some frantic searching, I found that quite a bit of the
stuff that had been in /incoming/amiga had migrated to /amiga.  So those
games are now in /amiga/games instead of /incoming/amiga/GAMES.  And in the
root directory, there was a note from somebody named Jon Taylor saying that
he was responsible for the great advances in the orderliness of the most
popular Amiga FTP upload site, and that he would continue to test and move
everything that ended up in /incoming/amiga.

Anyway, why I am posting this.  First of all, to prevent others from having
a moment of abject terror (as I did) when they notice that half of the
archive is missing.  Second, in an attempt to locate and thank this "Jon
Taylor" (no e-mail address attached) for cleaning this stuff up.

P.S. Just in case anyone doesn't know yet, ab20.larc.nasa.gov's number is

                    TTYL, Keith Steiger--ameiba@reed.edu
          "I am what you see.  Myself....  I cannot be otherwise."
  Disclaimer: Reed College tries very hard to ignore its students' opinions.