[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Shell zoom button

denny@pnet01.cts.com (Dennis Anderson) (03/28/91)

I was wodering if anyone has written a program that will put a zoom button on
a 1.3 Shell just like they use in 2.0 . I LOVE being able to expand and shrink
the Shell out of the way with one one button hit!! If anyone knows of such a
program please let me know! Thanks in advance.
                                                  Dennis Anderson

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (03/28/91)

denny@pnet01.cts.com (Dennis Anderson) writes:

>I was wodering if anyone has written a program that will put a zoom button on
>a 1.3 Shell just like they use in 2.0 . I LOVE being able to expand and shrink
>the Shell out of the way with one one button hit!! If anyone knows of such a
>program please let me know! Thanks in advance.
>                                                  Dennis Anderson

Use CONMAN, then F1 zooms, F2 Iconifies... Easy!.

yorkw@ecn.purdue.edu  aka Willis F York   aka Squid on IRC 
The only thing that Apple invented is the idea to borrow Xerox-invented ideas.  
(Hope THIS sig don't insult anyone!)   :^) 

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (03/30/91)

In article <8223@crash.cts.com> denny@pnet01.cts.com (Dennis Anderson) writes:
>I was wodering if anyone has written a program that will put a zoom button on
>a 1.3 Shell just like they use in 2.0 . I LOVE being able to expand and shrink
>the Shell out of the way with one one button hit!! If anyone knows of such a
>program please let me know! Thanks in advance.

There's at least one iconify program, but I can't think of the name because
I don't use it.  But I use ConMan for my console handler, which gives me
the ability to shrink/unshrink a console window using F1.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "You know I never knew
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | that it could be so
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | strange..."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |		     (R.E.M.)

bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu (Infomaniac) (03/30/91)

In article <8223@crash.cts.com>, denny@pnet01.cts.com (Dennis Anderson) writes:

> I was wodering if anyone has written a program that will put a zoom button on
> a 1.3 Shell just like they use in 2.0 . I LOVE being able to expand and shrink
> the Shell out of the way with one one button hit!! If anyone knows of such a
> program please let me know! Thanks in advance.
>                                                   Dennis Anderson

Such a program has been around for several years now - ConMan1.3.  ConMan will 
shrink the window with one of the F(1-3) keys and expand them back with another 
F(1-3) key.  This is just one small example of the versatility of ConMan.  
There are many other uses and applications with it, but I'm not that terribly 
well versed with it.  I only recently installed it on my WB with AShell. 

BTW - ConMan is what prompted C= to put a zoom button on 2.0, I believe.  2.0 
also swallowed all the ARP commands whole, as well, improving on the old 
BCPL's by rewriting the commands in assembly.  I'm an A1000 user myself, so I 
can't use 2.0 ... yet!

comments/suggestions/additions/deletions/obfuscations/indigestions WELCOMED!!!
Gee. . . Toto . . . this sure doesn't look like Kansas!    
                                                               //  Have you
             Russ Bacon   University of NE at Omaha           //    tried
                 Bitnet - Bacon@UNOMA1                    \\ //       an
               Internet - Bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu           \\/      AMIGA??

slaurel@contact.uucp (David Maxwell) (04/02/91)

In <11695.27f37194@zeus.unomaha.edu> bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu (Infomaniac) writes:

>Such a program has been around for several years now - ConMan1.3.  ConMan will 
>shrink the window with one of the F(1-3) keys and expand them back with another 
>F(1-3) key.  This is just one small example of the versatility of ConMan.  
>There are many other uses and applications with it, but I'm not that terribly 
>well versed with it.  I only recently installed it on my WB with AShell. 

Incidentally, I just did the same. I've been a conman lover from the beginning,
and just installed the AShell. I also have Mymenu instaled, which I find
extremely useful, but now here's the catch. One more program that I like, LS,
(Ala Justin V. McCormick) has started to crash my system. If I open an AShell
from Mymenu and execute ls as the first command (My default drive, SYS: is DH0: a 40M Conner on ICD controller) I get the good old Disk Corrupt requestor.
GOMF will let me whap the requestor and shell, but none of my drives will
respond, workbench doesn't update etc...
If on the other hand, I start an AShell from a CLI (opened via workbench, or
opened from an AShell (opened via mymenu) then LS works fine. My only 
remaining suspect is that I'm forcing the size of the AShell with con:.
But a quick experiment (TGFM (That's MULTITASKING, not MONDAYS)) seems to 
feel that that's not the problem.
	Any suggestions welcomed.

							David Maxwell


cs326ag@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) (04/02/91)

In article <1991Apr1.185012.2973@contact.uucp> slaurel@contact.uucp (David Maxwell) writes:
>In <11695.27f37194@zeus.unomaha.edu> bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu (Infomaniac) writes:
>>Such a program has been around for several years now - ConMan1.3.  ConMan will 
>>shrink the window with one of the F(1-3) keys and expand them back with another 
>>F(1-3) key.  This is just one small example of the versatility of ConMan.  
>>There are many other uses and applications with it, but I'm not that terribly 
>>well versed with it.  I only recently installed it on my WB with AShell. 
>Incidentally, I just did the same. I've been a conman lover from the beginning,
>and just installed the AShell. I also have Mymenu instaled, which I find
>extremely useful, but now here's the catch. One more program that I like, LS,
>(Ala Justin V. McCormick) has started to crash my system. If I open an AShell
>from Mymenu and execute ls as the first command (My default drive, SYS: is DH0: a 40M Conner on ICD controller) I get the good old Disk Corrupt requestor.
>GOMF will let me whap the requestor and shell, but none of my drives will
>respond, workbench doesn't update etc...
>If on the other hand, I start an AShell from a CLI (opened via workbench, or
>opened from an AShell (opened via mymenu) then LS works fine. My only 
>remaining suspect is that I'm forcing the size of the AShell with con:.
>But a quick experiment (TGFM (That's MULTITASKING, not MONDAYS)) seems to 
>feel that that's not the problem.
>	Any suggestions welcomed.

Here is a suggestion:  get a new version of ls.
The original ls by Justin has a few bugs (including the one related
to a startup shell not having a non-zero CurrentDirectory field upon
startup).  ls-4.1ljr (on ab20 as ls-4.1ljr) does not have this problem
and knows how to deal with the situation (san crash :-).

>							David Maxwell
>							slaurel@contact

Loren J. Rittle
``NewTek stated that the Toaster  *would*  *not*  be made to directly support
  the Mac, at this point Sculley stormed out of the booth...'' --- A scene at
  the recent MacExpo.  Gee, you wouldn't think that an Apple Exec would be so
  worried about one little Amiga device... Loren J. Rittle  l-rittle@uiuc.edu

tomri@ida.liu.se (Tom Rindborg) (04/03/91)

In article <8223@crash.cts.com>, denny@pnet01.cts.com (Dennis Anderson) writes:

> I was wodering if anyone has written a program that will put a zoom button on
> a 1.3 Shell just like they use in 2.0 . I LOVE being able to expand and shrink
> the Shell out of the way with one one button hit!! If anyone knows of such a
> program please let me know! Thanks in advance.
>                                                   Dennis Anderson

You could use Wicon (available on Fish 154), it allows you to iconify
all windows and it optionally gives you "rubberbanding" windows. I
couldn't live without it!

<< Tom Rindborg, SoftLab ab     Phone : +46 13 21 24 70			>>
<< Teknikringen 14              Fax   : +46 13 21 33 14			>>
<< S-583 30 LINKOPING           Email : tom@softlab.se			>>
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