[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 9600b send&receive fax for Amiga too?

tsarver@uunet.uu.net> (04/03/91)

I saw an add for just what you're asking in the last two issues of Amazing
Computing (April and February).  They advertise that they will throw in a FREE
9600bps modem!!  (We all know this means the fax software uses the modem also).

I would look it up, but I don't have my AC in front of me.  I think it was for
about $250.

% Tom Sarver: tsarver@andersen.com | "Only Amiga makes it possible!"    //\   %
% "A real computer has a linear address space. NO 386's!!"          \\ //--\  %

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (04/04/91)

In article <49583@nigel.ee.udel.edu> Tom Sarver <andersen!tsarver@uunet.uu.net> writes:
> I saw an add for just what you're asking in the last two issues of Amazing
> Computing (April and February).  They advertise that they will throw in a FREE
> 9600bps modem!!

It's a V.29 modem, which means you can only talk to faxes that use the
V.29 protocol. I don't think that includes the common Group 3 FAXes.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'