[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need to Contact Keith Stewart re: ProVista

"PETER C. FREY" <PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu> (04/04/91)

I can't seem to access your mailer.  Do you have a .bitnet account?

>Virtual Labs supply landscape disks of a lot of the USA (Grand Canyon)
>included so you can make an animation of diving down into the GC.

I have a question here.  Do I buy the different scenes, or can I create
my own?  Or both?

>The frame rate depends on the type of hard drive

I need a harddrive for this?  Can I run it on two internal disk drives and
3 meg ram?

>Talk to or FAX VRL. They are really helpful. Talk to Suzie Tell her you
>have been talking on USENET to keith Stewart from new zealand.

Do they know you that well?  Are you an employee?

>There is no sound built in.

Can I integrate another program with it to generate sound?

>An accelerator card would be a big improvment.

Which one?  Of course, the most expensive one, but is there another that would
suffice?  Would a 2630 work?  How much?

Can I create games and demos with the program?  Are there any other programs
which are similar?

>Please mail me for any more questions.
>Nice to hearfrom you[D[C

Thanks, I will!

                                                - Peter C. Frey