[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga graphics

mcfarlin@mmedia.UUCP (David McFarling) (03/29/91)

Is there a way to transfer graphics files from an Amiga to
MSDOS?  They have yet to be created, so the choice of graphics
packages on the Amiga is still open.   I need PCX on MSDOS and
can convert from other MSDOS formats.

Is there an Amiga graphics package that will produce .GIF files?

Thanks in advance.


rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) (03/29/91)

In article <161@mmedia.UUCP> mcfarlin@mmedia.UUCP (David McFarling) writes:
>Is there a way to transfer graphics files from an Amiga to
>MSDOS?  They have yet to be created, so the choice of graphics
>packages on the Amiga is still open.   I need PCX on MSDOS and
>can convert from other MSDOS formats.
>Is there an Amiga graphics package that will produce .GIF files?
>Thanks in advance.

Well, you can use The Art Department or Art Department Professional by ASDG.
Either will store Amiga IFFs as PCX. With TAD the PCX module is
optional. With AdPro, the PCX module is standard.
The same goes for the GIF module. BTW, both TAD and AdPro can READ and 
WRITE PCX and GIF formats. It's a truely awesome program.
As far as transfering from Ami to MSDOS, try CrossDos. It will allow
reading and writing MSDOS formatted floppies. 

bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu (Infomaniac) (03/30/91)

In article <161@mmedia.UUCP>, mcfarlin@mmedia.UUCP (David McFarling) writes:

> Is there a way to transfer graphics files from an Amiga to
> MSDOS?  They have yet to be created, so the choice of graphics
> packages on the Amiga is still open.   I need PCX on MSDOS and
> can convert from other MSDOS formats.
> Is there an Amiga graphics package that will produce .GIF files?
> Thanks in advance.
> -Dave
> ....!mmedia!mcfarlin

What you should do is create your graphics as normal and then use one of the 
conversion utilities that are easily obtainable at AB20, such as HamSharp, 
IFF2GIF, AmGif, etc. 

BTW, I do have to admit I like the way that .gif's are compressed.  The file 
sizes are much smaller than comparable iff's.

comments/suggestions/additions/deletions/obfuscations/indigestions WELCOMED!!!
Gee. . . Toto . . . this sure doesn't look like Kansas!    
                                                               //  Have you
             Russ Bacon   University of NE at Omaha           //    tried
                 Bitnet - Bacon@UNOMA1                    \\ //       an
               Internet - Bacon@zeus.unomaha.edu           \\/      AMIGA??

perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) (04/03/91)

In article <161@mmedia.UUCP> mcfarlin@mmedia.UUCP (David McFarling) writes:
$Is there a way to transfer graphics files from an Amiga to
$MSDOS?  They have yet to be created, so the choice of graphics
$packages on the Amiga is still open.   I need PCX on MSDOS and
$can convert from other MSDOS formats.
$Is there an Amiga graphics package that will produce .GIF files?

Yes, there are many choices. If you are going to be doing this
often and will benefit  from  higher quality and support, then
you might consider  the commercial  programs which do this. If
you want to do this only a few times, and don't care about the
quality, then there are some PD programs you can use.

I point you to  comp.sys.amiga.graphics  or .programmer for  a 
recent rundown of the formats supported by ADPro (Art Department
Professional) put out by the company I work for. But be aware,
ADPro is much more than simply a format converter.

Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc. ``We look for things. Things that make us go.''
	UUCP:  {harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!perry
	CIS:   76004,1765 PLINK: pk-asdg

flazar@amiglynx.UUCP (Frank Lazar) (04/04/91)

  The best answer for you right now would be The Art Department Professional.
With the appropriate loaders and savers you can swing back and forth between
IBM/Mac/Amiga and GIF among others.  TADPro needs about 3 meg to run
comfortably, the original TAD will get by with less.