[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What is the format of the /etc/ttys file in Amiga Minix?

rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Simon Cocking) (04/04/91)

Can someone tell me the format of the /etc/ttys file under Amiga MINIX?

I'm trying to get INIT to fork a getty process for tty1 (the serial port)
and I need to make an entry for this in the /etc/ttys file.  Therefore,
I need to know how this file works.

Please email responses, our newsreader is pushing up daisies at the
moment... :-(

Simon Cocking,


        ///                               ^^^^^  
   __  ///                               (o   o)  Didn't 25 years of Doctor
   \\\/// Simon Cocking,                    ^     Who teach you not to trust
    \XX/ rda136k@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au    `-'    names like Intel & Zilog?