[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Redirecting paralell port output...

UCSEDG@ucs.UWPLATT.EDU (04/01/91)

        Does anyone know if there is a relatively simple way to redirect the
output from the paralell port, and save it to a disk file?
              |             --Multitasking on the IBM and Mac, the BIG LIE!
 Eric Glanz   |       ///           Only Amiga makes it possible.
University of |      ///
 Wisconsin-   |  \\\///     UCSEDG@UCS.UWPLATT.EDU        (Internet)
 Platteville  |   \XX/      UCSEDG@UWPLATT.BITNET         (Bitnet)
     "When civilization falls in it's grave, technology throws in the dirt"

rcj2@cbnewsd.att.com (ray.c.jender) (04/01/91)

In article <98E19243E95F20094A@ucs.uwplatt.edu> UCSEDG@ucs.UWPLATT.EDU writes:
>        Does anyone know if there is a relatively simple way to redirect the
>output from the paralell port, and save it to a disk file?
>              |             --Multitasking on the IBM and Mac, the BIG LIE!
> Eric Glanz   |       ///           Only Amiga makes it possible.
>University of |      ///
> Wisconsin-   |  \\\///     UCSEDG@UCS.UWPLATT.EDU        (Internet)
> Platteville  |   \XX/      UCSEDG@UWPLATT.BITNET         (Bitnet)
>              |
>     "When civilization falls in it's grave, technology throws in the dirt"

	Try the CMD command. It's format is something like:
		CMD parallel filename
	Not real sure of the format, but look it up in the Amiga manual.

bpv9073@sjfc.UUCP (Brett VanSprewenburg) (04/02/91)

[I shot the line eater]

I believe what you are looking for is right under your nose, so to speak.

Try 'CMD'. It's on your WorkBench disk under the Utilities drawer. This
will redirect the printed output from a program into a specified file.
Look at the 'info' on the 'CMD' icon to find the file that it's being
redirected to. I believe the default is in the ram disk...


peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (04/03/91)

In article <98E19243E95F20094A@ucs.uwplatt.edu> UCSEDG@ucs.UWPLATT.EDU writes:
>        Does anyone know if there is a relatively simple way to redirect the
>output from the paralell port, and save it to a disk file?

It's called CMD and is found on your system disks (Extras or Workbench).
It's also explained in the manual (if you have system > 1.2).

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

vesty@inmet.inmet.com (04/03/91)

Use the "cmd" program thats in the utilities drawer.  It has several
options that let you output from prt: par: ser: (doesn't work with con:)
to a single or multiple files.

The program can be used from workbench also by changing the tooltypes.
(See the AmigaDos 1.3 manual).

dhansen@amiganet.chi.il.us (Dave Hansen) (04/04/91)

>        Does anyone know if there is a relatively simple way to redirect the
>output from the paralell port, and save it to a disk file?
In my Utilities drawer is a program that Commodore supplied called Cmd.  It
will redirect your parallel output to a disk file or another device.  It is
described in the CBM 1.3 Enhancer book.

voice: (708)691-4747             Internet:dhansen@amiganet.chi.il.us