[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Public Thanks...

ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken Krebs) (04/03/91)

I want to personally and publicly thank the Commodore-Amiga team that
posts here in these newsgroups.  I have learned vast amounts of
information from them (some more than others...but still...) that I
couldn't have recieved elsewhere.  Thanks guys for posting here and
helping everyone that has problems or questions on the Amiga.  It's people
like you that made the Amiga the most unique computer around.  I think
everyone else here appreciates it also....even if they don't say so.
Thanks to:
Dave Haynie
Randell Jesup
Scott Hood
Scott Drysdale
and to any others I have forgotten (or haven't seen recently)
|NewOrderDepecheModeSiouxsie&TheBanshees|Internet: ksk@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US |
|ModernEnglishBookofLoveTheCureKraftwerk|  UUCP: ames!pacbell!sactoh0!ksk|
|KillingJokeBigCountryU2UltravoxFishbone|"Sammy Spermite Strikes Again!" |
| Live 105 -=>Long live Modern Rock!<=- |"What would I do w/o the Amiga?"|

hb136@leah.albany.edu (Herb Brown) (04/03/91)

In article <1991Apr3.093422.21334@sactoh0.sac.ca.us> ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken Krebs) writes:
>I want to personally and publicly thank the Commodore-Amiga team that
>posts here in these newsgroups.
>Thanks to:
>Dave Haynie
>Randell Jesup
>Scott Hood
>Scott Drysdale
>and to any others I have forgotten (or haven't seen recently)
>|NewOrderDepecheModeSiouxsie&TheBanshees|Internet: ksk@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US |
>|ModernEnglishBookofLoveTheCureKraftwerk|  UUCP: ames!pacbell!sactoh0!ksk|
>|KillingJokeBigCountryU2UltravoxFishbone|"Sammy Spermite Strikes Again!" |
>| Live 105 -=>Long live Modern Rock!<=- |"What would I do w/o the Amiga?"|

I know I speak for my colleagues at The University of Albany, who have also
received much help from these people, when I add my THANKS.

Herb Brown  Math Dept  The Univ at Albany  Albany, NY 12222  (518) 442-4640
hibrown@leah.albany.edu or hibrown@cssun.albany.edu or hibrown@bst.albany.edu

swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) (04/04/91)

In article <1991Apr3.093422.21334@sactoh0.sac.ca.us> ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken Krebs) writes:
>I want to personally and publicly thank the Commodore-Amiga team that
>Thanks to:
>Dave Haynie
>Randell Jesup
>Scott Hood
>Scott Drysdale

Yep.  Thanks, guys.

We appreciate it.

--Steve   ._||__      DISCLAIMER: All opinions are my own.
  Warren   v\ *|     ----------------------------------------------
             V       {uunet,sun}!convex!swarren; swarren@convex.com

greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) (04/04/91)

In article <1991Apr3.093422.21334@sactoh0.sac.ca.us> ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us
  (Ken Krebs) writes:
>Thanks to:
>Dave Haynie
>Randell Jesup
>Scott Hood
>Scott Drysdale
>and to any others I have forgotten (or haven't seen recently)

Normally I'm not one for "Me too!" posts, but here's one I really feel 
strongly about...

You might add to the list (bear with me on spelling, I've been up all night...):

Peter Kittel in Germany
Bryce Nesbitt 
Andy Finkel
...and probably some more people I've left off.

Thanks a lot, C= folks, for you support here and in email!

       Greg Harp       |"How I wish, how I wish you were here.  We're just two
                       |lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year,
greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu|running over the same ground.  What have we found?
  s609@cs.utexas.edu   |The same old fears.  Wish you were here." - Pink Floyd

barrett@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dan Barrett) (04/05/91)

In article <1991Apr3.093422.21334@sactoh0.sac.ca.us> ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken Krebs) writes:
>I want to personally and publicly thank the Commodore-Amiga team...

	Let's see how many we can remember here...!  Thanks to:

	Bob Baker, Dan Baker, Dave Berezowski, Raymond Brand, Lauren Brown,
Peter Cherna, Eric Cotton, Mike Ditto, Scott Drysdale, Jim Esch, Ken
Farinsky, Andy Finkel, Keith Gabryelski, Thomas Giger, Greg Givler,
Catherine Godfrey, Chris Green, Darren Greenwald, Dave Haynie, Karl Herrman,
Fred Holland, Scott Hood, Martin Hunt, Brian Jackson, Randell Jesup, David
Junod, Peter Kittel, Bill Koester, John Kominetz, Dale Larson, John
Lockhart, Stuart Maleeff, Dave Minnich, Fred Mitchell, Bryce Nesbitt, Joe
O'Hara, Gunda O'Neal, John Orr, Valentin Pepelea, Bob Raible, George
Robbins, Jeff Scherb, Terry Schevker, Spencer Shanson, Michael Sinz, Rich
Skrenta, John Szucs, Darius Taghavy, Martin Taillefer, Rick Unland, and Ewout

...for all the advice and help they've been giving since I started reading
net.micro.amiga almost 6 years ago!

[Some of these people may have left, but I think I got most of 'em!]


| Dan Barrett, Department of Computer Science      Johns Hopkins University |
| INTERNET:   barrett@cs.jhu.edu           |                                |
| COMPUSERVE: >internet:barrett@cs.jhu.edu | UUCP:   barrett@jhunix.UUCP    |

schweige@aldebaran.cs.nps.navy.mil (Jeffrey M. Schweiger) (04/05/91)

In article <7905@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> barrett@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dan Barrett) writes:
<In article <1991Apr3.093422.21334@sactoh0.sac.ca.us> ksk@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Ken Krebs) writes:
<>I want to personally and publicly thank the Commodore-Amiga team...
<	Let's see how many we can remember here...!  Thanks to:
<	Bob Baker, Dan Baker, Dave Berezowski, Raymond Brand, Lauren Brown,
<Peter Cherna, Eric Cotton, Mike Ditto, Scott Drysdale, Jim Esch, Ken
<Farinsky, Andy Finkel, Keith Gabryelski, Thomas Giger, Greg Givler,
<Catherine Godfrey, Chris Green, Darren Greenwald, Dave Haynie, Karl Herrman,
<Fred Holland, Scott Hood, Martin Hunt, Brian Jackson, Randell Jesup, David
<Junod, Peter Kittel, Bill Koester, John Kominetz, Dale Larson, John
<Lockhart, Stuart Maleeff, Dave Minnich, Fred Mitchell, Bryce Nesbitt, Joe
<O'Hara, Gunda O'Neal, John Orr, Valentin Pepelea, Bob Raible, George
<Robbins, Jeff Scherb, Terry Schevker, Spencer Shanson, Michael Sinz, Rich
<Skrenta, John Szucs, Darius Taghavy, Martin Taillefer, Rick Unland, and Ewout
<...for all the advice and help they've been giving since I started reading
<net.micro.amiga almost 6 years ago!
<[Some of these people may have left, but I think I got most of 'em!]
<                                                        Dan

Also thanks to:

Joe Augenbraun, Steve Beats, Fred Bowen, Richard Buck, John Campbell, 
Howard Diamond, Paul Higginbottom, Kevin Klop, Adam Levin, Jim Mackraz, 
Mark Ricci, Carolyn Scheppner, John Schilling, Rick Sterling, and Linda Thomas.

(and I know that some of these people have left also).

Thanks, folks.  Your assistance _has_ been deeply appreciated.

					Jeff Schweiger

Jeff Schweiger	      Standard Disclaimer   	CompuServe:  74236,1645
Internet (Milnet):				schweige@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil