[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Mac can emulate Amiga and has over 1,000,000 colors

PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu (PETER C. FREY) (04/05/91)

IN%"erk@americ.uucp"  "Erick Parsons"  write:

>That's 4.3 Billion colors. If you ask me it's a waste of money. Consider that
>the Human eye can only percieve ~7 Million colors at the peak of health. That's
>a 613 X overkill. All hype. ;)

>Erick Parsons, Sacramento  erick@sactoh0.sac.ca.us <-- Right off the freeway  -
>{ames att sun }!pacbell!sactoh0!pacengr!americ!erk <-- At the end of the road -

You might want to add that out of the 7 million colors, the person can only
discriminate 7,500 colors names.  So the overkill is 6130 X.
