[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Diskspeed and/or Dperf

cullip@jason.cs.unc.edu (Timothy Cullip) (04/05/91)

I just got an ICD AdIDE controller and a WD 42 Meg 28 msec IDE drive.
It seems very fast (compared to the old Rodime 80 msec tied to a
Microbotics Stardrive - can't get much slower than that).

Anyway, I'm looking for any and all harddisk performance program such 
as Diskspeed.  They must be on the fish disks somewhere.  If some kind
sole could point me to which fish disk has the latest version of your
favorite program (and an ftp site for fish) I'd appriciate it.

Assuming I find one and get it to work okay, I'll report the results.
So far I haven't seen any postings on the AdIDE.

My general impression is that for an A500 minimum cost setup it would
be hard to beat it.  My AdIDE cost $120, the drive was $170 (used - new
prices for 40 Meg IDE are around $200 to $300).  I already had a power
supply and case.

The setup software is reasonably intuitive and simple (assuming your drive 
is on the list of drives the software supports, fortunately mine was). 
Within ten minutes of hooking things up, I had the drive formatted, 
partitioned, and autobooting.


   Tim Cullip