[comp.sys.amiga.misc] NCD -> ACD

etxpihl@texas16.ericsson.se (DEE Tomas Pihl) (04/05/91)

Anyone out there who has a similar tool for the Amiga as the tool
NCD (Norton Change Directory) for the PC ?   
Short description of NCD:
It's a tool for changing directory (isn't that obvious), but not
in the ordinary way. Here you just type eg. C> cd golf, even
if the golf directory is located under games\golfgames\fun and
you are standing on the root. With this tool, you don't have to 
specify the whole path down to the wanted directory.

If noone has this program (or a similar) then I had in mind of
making one for the Amiga. 

Tomas Pihl                   | E-mail: etxpihl@texas.ericsson.se
Ericsson Telecom AB          | 
Stockholm, SWEDEN            |

umueller@iiic.ethz.ch (Urban Dominik Mueller) (04/05/91)

In article <1991Apr5.074949.1692@ericsson.se> etxpihl@texas16.ericsson.se (DEE Tomas Pihl) writes:
>Anyone out there who has a similar tool for the Amiga as the tool
>NCD (Norton Change Directory) for the PC ?   

CShell 5.00 can do, among other things, what you're asking for. There is
another tool around that does this job, but I did not like it, because it
stores the list of directories on your HD as a binary file, whereas CShell
stores it ASCII. Moreover, CShell is faster, allows abbreviations of direc-
tory names, supports multiple partitions, lets you cycle through the direc-
tories that matched your abbreviation, allows adding the parent directory
of where you want to go (in case you have many directories with the same
name) and has an editing key that inserts the full path of the a directory
where you would norton-cd to (for example you want to delete a single file
in a distant directory without cd-ing to it).

 |          Urban Mueller         |      / / |    Urban Mueller    |
 | INTERNET:umueller@iiic.ethz.ch | __  / /  |    Schulhausstr. 83 |
 | FIDONET: 2:302/906 (AUGL)      | \ \/ /   | CH-6312 Steinhausen |
 | "Don't tell my employer"       |  \__/    |    SWITZERLAND      |

cleland@sdbio2.ucsd.edu (Thomas Cleland) (04/06/91)

In article <1991Apr5.074949.1692@ericsson.se> etxpihl@texas16.ericsson.se (DEE Tomas Pihl) writes:
>Anyone out there who has a similar tool for the Amiga as the tool
>NCD (Norton Change Directory) for the PC ?   
>Short description of NCD:
>It's a tool for changing directory (isn't that obvious), but not
>in the ordinary way. Here you just type eg. C> cd golf, even
>if the golf directory is located under games\golfgames\fun and
>you are standing on the root. With this tool, you don't have to 
>specify the whole path down to the wanted directory.
I don't know the NCD program; what does it do if you have two
directories, both named 'golf' in different hierarchical

The capability you refer to is built right into AmigaDOS, and
avoids the abovementioned problem by requiring one to explicitly
define "logical" directories, much like "C:" refers to the 
'c' directory on the boot disk.  This is all described under the
"ASSIGN" command documentation.

If you're more interested in a "directory finding" sort of
utility, then I have only the vaguest notion that something of
the sort does exist in PD/shareware form.  If you find out,
please post...

>Tomas Pihl                   | E-mail: etxpihl@texas.ericsson.se
Thom Cleland         // 
tcleland@ucsd.edu  \X/   I'm having fun now.