[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Weird color correction problem.

prem@geomag.gly.fsu.edu (Prem Subrahmanyam) (04/06/91)

    I have an A2000 and an OkiData Microline 292 printer.  Frankly, I'm
    disappointed at the mapping of screen colors to ink colors (pink is
    too orange, cyan is too blue, green is too dark, purple is too pink,
    etc.) in the standard printer driver.  Are there any fixes to this
    driver anywhere?  I've tried using the color correction settings to
    hopefully get a better reproduction of the screen colors, but it
    seems that the color correction actually creates a reduced-palette
    HAM picture on-the-fly as it prints.  Why do I say this?  Well, I
    tried printing a HAM picture with a bright green dragon in it.  The
    original try yielded a dark forest green dragon in which detail was
    almost completely lost.  So, I color-correct the green setting.  What
    do I get?  Red HAM fringes in the printout trailing the lighter green
    color.  Those fringes are not there in the original, but show up in the
    color-corrected printout.  Just about any HAM picture that I try while
    using color correction will produce HAM fringes on the printout that do
    not exist in the actual picture (another I recall is one in which a
    transition from black to red had a blue fringe in the middle).  I am
    trying to print out these pictures for my thesis due in two days, and
    I am desperate.  I've even tried going into Digi-Paint and attempting
    to touch up the colors, but there is no easy way to do this.

    Any help would be appreciated,
    ---Prem Subrahmanyam (prem@geomag.gly.fsu.edu)