[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help Me!

horne@sapphire.idbsu.edu ( Broward Horne) (04/06/91)

       I found the following note sitting in an upload directory.
       *I* know NOTHING about Amigas, but this poor forlorn message
       just cried out for posting. Sorry if you have read it before.
Hello there, firstly thank you for taking the time out to read this file, as I 
have to mail access to the US, this is the only way of asking for help.

I am the Vice President of an Amiga Users Group here at Heriot Watt University,
in Scotland.  We have some 30 members mostly with A500s but some with A1000s.
The group was set up to help and encourage users of the Amiga in whatever way 
it could.  To that end, we offer tutorial sessions on various aspects of the 
Amiga, catering for experienced and begining Amiga owners.

It was at a particular tutorial on 68000 assembly language programming that one 
of our members asked for any information on the Arp.Library, in particular the 
routine offsets and calling parameters.  I searched through all my 68000 books 
and cannot find it anywhere, nor does it appears to be documented in the Fred 
Fish PD library.  So, if you happen to have the relevant information, or know 
where to get it, please contact me at:


this is a JANET address, I'm afraid that I don't know what the format would be 
from elsewhere.

Even if you don't have any information on the arp.library but wish to learn 
more about our society or exchange some Amiga tips and ideas, please do not 
hesitate to contact us.


Andrew Taylor
Vice President
Broward Horne                           Jack McVax$ LIVES!           
horne@sapphire.idbsu.edu             OS2 - Revenge or Revelation?

avon@churchy.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Mark Lefebvre) (04/07/91)
