[comp.sys.amiga.misc] British Alternatives

jkh@MEEPMEEP.PCS.COM (Jordan K. Hubbard) (04/05/91)

I recommend looking at "Computer Shopper", a rather startlingly mistitled
new offering from the Amiga Computing folks. Their premier issue looked
very good indeed, with plenty of the self-depreciating humor we've all
come to know and love in British culture (is that an oxymoron?).

Anyway, if you have a chance, pick up a copy.

Of course it will turn out that this is actually an "Amiga Format" offering
and I'll get flamed for not being able to keep them straight but I have
a hard time.. uh.. keeping them straight.. It *could* be Amiga Format,
I don't have it with me! Check both!


jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (04/07/91)

In article <m0jOrM5-0003NEC@meepmeep.pcs.com> jkh@MEEPMEEP.PCS.COM (Jordan K. Hubbard) writes:
>I recommend looking at "Computer Shopper", a rather startlingly mistitled
>new offering from the Amiga Computing folks. Their premier issue looked
>very good indeed, with plenty of the self-depreciating humor we've all
>come to know and love in British culture (is that an oxymoron?).

How can they call their zine "Computer Shopper"?!  There's already a
"Computer Shopper" here in the U.S.  (Unfortunately, they don't do much for
the Amiga community.)

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "You know I never knew
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | that it could be so
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | strange..."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |		     (R.E.M.)