[comp.sys.amiga.misc] how to resize the shell window?



I am sick at tiny window each time I open the shell from icon.  There suppose
a way to include window size in the icon information to tell it open a differe
nt window instead of default one.  Please help me.


s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Luke Mewburn) (04/06/91)



>I am sick at tiny window each time I open the shell from icon.  There suppose
>a way to include window size in the icon information to tell it open a differe
>nt window instead of default one.  Please help me.

Well, it can be done. Quite easily in fact.
Depending on what you are using to get the new shell, (but the principle is
the same for almost all methods).

For example, if you use the 'shell' icon on the WB disk, try this:
 WINDOW NEWCON:0/11/568/189/DaShell
(Put this in the lower of the specification box (can't think of it's name
at the moment :-|.) This opens a shell called 'DaShell', at one pixel down
from the menu, to the bottom of the screen on an NTSC screen, and 568
pixels wide.

Now, to do this from the CLI, try this.
 Newshell window newcon:ox/oy/wx/wy/name
(a window at ox,oy, wx wide, wy deep, with name as its title)

Hope that helps.


| Luke Mewburn   (Zak)                |     This side for rent...      |
| s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au        |                                |

bj@cbmvax.commodore.com (Brian Jackson) (04/07/91)

In article <1991Apr6.072350.5806@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au> s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Luke Mewburn) writes:

>>I am sick at tiny window each time I open the shell from icon.

>Well, it can be done. Quite easily in fact.


>For example, if you use the 'shell' icon on the WB disk, try this:
> WINDOW NEWCON:0/11/568/189/DaShell

Under 2.0 you will want to use 'CON:' in place of 'NEWCON:'.  

>Now, to do this from the CLI, try this.
> Newshell window newcon:ox/oy/wx/wy/name

Same here. 

>Hope that helps.



 | Brian Jackson  Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga Inc.  GEnie: B.J. |
 | bj@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com    or  ...{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!bj     |
 | "We defy augury"                                                    |