[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amazing Computing Tech Mag disk SNAFU...

bleys@tronsbox.xei.com (Bill Cavanaugh) (04/07/91)

Several of us went to the World of Amiga on saturday, and picked up the
mag mentioned in the subject line.  We got issues 1 and 2, each for
$10, and the mags are fantastic...  Just one problem.  All of us who
bought them got the Issue 2 disk with issue 1.  The disks are labeled
correctly, but when you look at the contents, they're wrong.  Did
anyone else have this problem?  Is there someone from the company on
the net who can point me in the right direction to get the correct
disk, so I don't have to engage in extensive snail-mail or telephone
convos?  I'm a subscriber to the regular mag, if that helps...<grin>

 *         Bill Cavanaugh       bleys@tronsbox.xei.com          *
 * "I think we've both been too articulate for words."          *
 *                                                              *
 *                         Frazier Crane                        *