[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Video enhancer info wanted

tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) (04/08/91)

Ok... I will be picking up one of the following display enhancers in
the near future, and need some help filling in info.

	For each of DCTV, HAM-E, COLORBURST... could someone mail me
or post info on:

	1) What type of monitor does it need ?
	2) True 24 bit color ?
	3) Amiga-co-operative ?
	4) Resolutions ?
	5) Genlockable  ?

	So, for example, the DCTV unit looks good, but has a few
problems that I can see.... One is it ONLY puts out composite video,
no RGB there at all. It only has the one resolution, and is NOT amiga
co-operative I.E. -- you cant push,pop amiga windows over the top of
the 24 bit image with standard software like the HAM-E.


========[ Xanadu Enterprises Inc. Amiga & Unix Software Development]=======
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=========== Ken Jamieson: uunet!tronsbox.xei.com!tron1  ===================
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