[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help I'm brain damaged

andrew@teslab.lab.OZ (Andrew Phillips) (04/10/91)

In article <14820007@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM> daq@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Doug Quarnstrom) writes:
>...  The zoo archiver on ab20 has a .pak suffix. What is .pak format? ...

You have everything you need already!  You probably have a file
called something like zoo.pak.  Just make this file executable (using
PROTECT), if it is not already.  Then run it and it will create all
the files from the zoo package.  Files that end in .pak are
self-extracting archives.

I've cross-posted and redirected followups to comp.sys.amiga.misc
because this is probably of general interest.

Andrew Phillips (andrew@teslab.lab.oz.au) Phone +61 (Aust) 2 (Sydney) 289 8712