[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Latest version of Kickstart&WB 2.0??

andrewsr@romulus.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (04/10/91)

Hello All!

I just received my Amiga 3000 last weekend and I want to cross check
the Kickstart and Workbench version numbers.

I have KS 36.207 and WB 36.69.  Are these the most current?  (A friend
of mine says that WB 36.77 is the most recent).

I have noticed a couple of minor (but annoying) bugs:  the snapshot
feature does not work all the time.

Yes, I have read the manual and I have used Snapshot All (and windo,
and Icon).  But, after I set up a directory as I want it to appear, I
do a snapshot, close all the drawers, open them up, and the icons are
no longer where I want them...even if I select all the icons and use
snapshot.  This gets real annoying.

However, don't let this fool you, WB 2.0 is OUTSTANDING.  I really do
like it.

  // Rich    | "Like any good philosophical discussion, the conclusion
\X/  Andrews |  is left unresolved."  - B. McLaughlin