[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Handshake sucks??

bpv9073@sjfc.UUCP (Brett VanSprewenburg) (04/08/91)

Ok, _I_ think HandShake is the best terminal program available in the
sharware community. I have a friend who thinks OnLine is God. Would
a few of you kind folks explain to him the differece between a crap
program (ala Online) and a quality piece like HandShake. To fire up your
flamers a little, here's a message I just received from him today,
vebatim. Just mail me a little tid-bit (or tirad!) about how he's out
of his mind (because he doesn't really believe me, I just think he may
not know how to use the program) on thinking that Online stacks up better
then HandShake in the telecommunication sector of Amiga programs. Turn
it UP! Thanks.


------------begin included text-------------

No offense but I haven't seen anything as POOR as handshake in a long time.
Its got to be the slowest thing available, and to top it off, doesn't even
let you have a chance to tell it where you want a downloaded file to go.
With zmodem running, it will receive the file, but it won't save it anywhere!
It won't even give you the option to save it anywhere, it just goes happily
away receiving to absolutely no place.  It takes it forever to hangup the phone
too, as well as dial it.  I've got to get another program to replave this POS.
I think I might even use ON-Line over this one (if it worked on the 3000
).  And thats a scarry thought!  Anyway, got any clues how to tell this 
thing to save the file its receiving, after all thats kinda important.

theacct@bill.ucsc.edu (El hombre de pelo estranja) (04/08/91)

I can understand why he wouldn't like Handshake. Myself, I have no use for
 a program such as Handshake, and my personal favorite Term programs currently
are Ncomm 1.9 and Vlt 5.045.  Handshake does have some annoying features/bugs
but I just kind of discded it because I ddidn't feel right complaining
to the author without having registered it, and I didn't want to register a
program that annoyed me.  Anyway, vlt and ncomm are very nice for my needs, 
although it would be REAL neat if one of them could implement a unix-windows
type protocol.  

On a side note: Does anyone know if it's at all possible to emulate X-Windows
on an Amiga, I'd be very interested in running X on the machine I'm using 
through the modem. Thanks.

Daniel Jalkut -- Amiga guy         | "And didn't I read that these devices
snozer@toast.santa-cruz.ca.us  /// |  go two way and everything I do or say
408-429-8628 -- Day           ///  |  is goin' on a tape somewhere right now
408-423-6926 -- Night       \XX/   |  planted in my cavities?"  -- LARD

metahawk@itsgw.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) (04/09/91)

In article <14232@darkstar.ucsc.edu> theacct@bill.ucsc.edu (El hombre de pelo estranja) writes:
>I can understand why he wouldn't like Handshake. Myself, I have no use for
> a program such as Handshake, and my personal favorite Term programs currently
>are Ncomm 1.9 and Vlt 5.045.  Handshake does have some annoying features/bugs
>but I just kind of discded it because I ddidn't feel right complaining
>to the author without having registered it, and I didn't want to register a
>program that annoyed me.  Anyway, vlt and ncomm are very nice for my needs, 
>although it would be REAL neat if one of them could implement a unix-windows
>type protocol.  
>On a side note: Does anyone know if it's at all possible to emulate X-Windows
>on an Amiga, I'd be very interested in running X on the machine I'm using 
>through the modem. Thanks.
>Daniel Jalkut -- Amiga guy         | "And didn't I read that these devices
>snozer@toast.santa-cruz.ca.us  /// |  go two way and everything I do or say
>408-429-8628 -- Day           ///  |  is goin' on a tape somewhere right now
>408-423-6926 -- Night       \XX/   |  planted in my cavities?"  -- LARD

I've used Handshake, jrcomm, and A-Talk III and have decided that 
jrcomm is the one I like best, but unfortunately, it doesn't support
kermit transfer protocals.  The campus' mainframes XMODEM doesn't work at
all and no one seems to know why, so I really can't use jrcomm.
What I really want is something like VersaTerm Pro for the Macs, anyone seen
something like this for the Amiga?

I can't remember the company, but you can buy X-windows for the Amiga.
The add I saw advertised with nice color X displays on an Amiga (although
they said color X was not yet available).  It's sold by itself and
in packages that contains the Boing optical mouse and/or an ethernet card.

                   Note the followup.


sdfusc@mac.cc.macalstr.edu (04/09/91)

X-Windows is available on the Amiga; indeed, it comes with the 3000UX.


X-Windows for AmigaDOS is available from GfxBase (Dale Luck).
I don't seem to have the address handy right now...

Willy Langeveld - Bitnet: WGLP09 @ SLACVM - BIX: langeveld


   > X-windows... indeed it comes with the A3000UX

    But that's under UNIX. I had the impression the question was meant to
be about AmigaDOS. X11 from GfxBase runs under AmigaDOS.

Willy Langeveld - Bitnet: WGLP09 @ SLACVM - BIX: langeveld