[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Mont Grant prices < Ed. Discount

andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (03/06/91)

Hello All!

I am currently pricing a new system (A3000, et al).  I called
Montgomery Grant and they quoted me prices that were CHEAPER than the
educational discount program!  A friend of mine said that M.Grant has
might actually deal in the grey market (used PCs).  Anyone have
experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  

They quoted me a price of $2,450 (or close to) for  a 25Mhz 50M HD
A3000.  They also quoted me $3,400 (oct) for the 100M HD w/5M memory

They also had the Sharp JX300 for only $1689 (much cheaper than the
$2299 that some of the other mail orders quote me).

Please send me replies since this is such a major purchase.

(Just for your info, I will probably still go with the ed. discount
since I would probably get better service).  But I would still get the
scanner from Mont Grant.

Thanks in advance,
  // Rich    | "Truth is disputable; not taste."  - Hume
\X/  Andrews | "180 degrees from sick is still sick" - J. Bradshaw

tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) (03/07/91)

In article <Mar.> of
comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:

> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  


Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!

Does this answer your question? :-)

     /// Tyler "Ty" Sarna            E-Mail: tsarna@polar.bowdoin.edu 
 \\\///         "So you see, the overhead gets underfoot..."

higgin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Paul Higginbottom - CATS) (03/07/91)

In article <Mar.> andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) writes:
$I am currently pricing a new system (A3000, et al).  I called
$Montgomery Grant and they quoted me prices that were CHEAPER than the
$educational discount program!  A friend of mine said that M.Grant has
$might actually deal in the grey market (used PCs).  Anyone have
$experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?

My only comment to you is that Montgomery Grant is not an authorized
reseller of Commodore products.

aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) (03/07/91)

In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
>In article <Mar.> of
>comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
>> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
>> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
>Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!

But why?

Sure prices look way too good to be true, but if they are that bad,
how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines and havent
been sued yet?

Alejandro Liu		|EMail: aliu@usc.edu |All mispellings are intentional
3131 Mc Clintock #151F	|Voice: 213-745-2372 |Anything mentioned here is not
Los Angeles, CA 90007	|Data:  213-475-2371 |necessarily true.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (03/07/91)

In article <15564@chaph.usc.edu> aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) writes:
>In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
>>In article <Mar.> of
>>comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
>>> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
>>> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
>>Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!
>But why?
>Sure prices look way too good to be true, but if they are that bad,
>how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines and havent
>been sued yet?
	Who's to say they haven't been sued? Facts:

1) They have charged below dealer price
2) They aren't an authorized dealer
3) Commodore has signled them out to specifically state that you
   will not get a warranty if you buy from them
4) People have gotten used computers when buying from them

	An individual can sue for money, but can't close down the
business. That requires governmental action and that is very
rare. Have you ever seen their "store"? They are in the middle of
Penn Station, railroad station. The entire area smells of urine
and vomit. This isn't a store. It is a rip-off joint. I went in
with someone to help him buy a machine (a long time ago). They
were either very ignorant or liars. Either way they don't deserve
your business.
	The most telling thing is that they sell below dealer

>Alejandro Liu		|EMail: aliu@usc.edu |All mispellings are intentional
>3131 Mc Clintock #151F	|Voice: 213-745-2372 |Anything mentioned here is not
>Los Angeles, CA 90007	|Data:  213-475-2371 |necessarily true.

	-- Ethan

	Upon leaving office, Ronald Reagan began renting an
office in the penthouse of the Fox Plaza, the Los Angeles
high-rise used as the location for the terrorist movie "Die

UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) (03/08/91)

In article <1991Mar7.065847.21534@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>,
es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) says:
>3) Commodore has signled them out to specifically state that you
>   will not get a warranty if you buy from them

This isn't quite true.  The warranty *starts* when a dealer sells the
machine to a "customer."  Mont. Grant is NOT a dealer.  Therefore, the
warranty starts when Mont. Grant buys the machine from whoever it buys
it from.  (Usually a dealer who has too many and will take a loss to get rid
of a few.)  Then MG sells the machine to *you*.  Guess what?  You don't get
a warranty from Commodore.  MG has a warranty from Commodore, but that doesn't
do you much good.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (03/08/91)

In article <91066.130659UH2@psuvm.psu.edu> UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) writes:
>In article <1991Mar7.065847.21534@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>,
>es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) says:
>>3) Commodore has signled them out to specifically state that you
>>   will not get a warranty if you buy from them
>This isn't quite true.  The warranty *starts* when a dealer sells the
>machine to a "customer."  Mont. Grant is NOT a dealer.  Therefore, the

	My point was that Commodore has specifically mentioned
Montgomery Grant to say that they don't have a warranty for you.
They mentioned MG by name, the problems with them were so

	-- Ethan

	Upon leaving office, Ronald Reagan began renting an
office in the penthouse of the Fox Plaza, the Los Angeles
high-rise used as the location for the terrorist movie "Die

rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) (03/10/91)

In article <15564@chaph.usc.edu> aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) writes:
>In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
>>In article <Mar.> of
>>comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
>>> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
>>> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
>>Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!

>But why?

>Sure prices look way too good to be true, but if they are that bad,
>how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines and havent
>been sued yet?

1. They are no longer a Commodore authorized distributor.

2. Magazines stay alive through paid advertising.  They can't be too picky.

3. Over the last year or so it has been documented here on the net that MG
   will sell you a used machine as new.  MG has terrible service, and it is
  a great hassle to get them to replace anything defective.

If you buy a machine from MG, Commodore won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
You pay your money, and you take your chances.

Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.UUCP	frog!rmkhome!rmk	rmk@frog.UUCP

tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) (03/12/91)

In article <15564@chaph.usc.edu> of comp.sys.amiga.misc,
"Alex C. Liu" <aliu@aludra.usc.edu> writes:

> In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
> >In article <Mar.> of
> >comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
> >> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
> >> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
> >Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!

> But why?

Because they are only out to rip you off. When I was looking to
buy a 2000 I called around a bit. I talked to MG first, since
they advertised the lowest prices.

I called them up and asked a few questions.  At one point the
guy mentioned that it "also includes the mouse and keyboard". 
When I said "of course it does!", the guy responded "Oh...". 

I also asked if it included the 1.3 ROM (1.3 had come out a few
months before) and he said "I don't know, let me look..." After
about 5 minutes he came back and said "No, it doesn't.  That
would be $125 extra"

So I called another place. When I asked if the 1.3 ROM was
included, the guy said "sure it is, who was trying to sell you
one without? They [C=] have been shipping them with 1.3 ROMS for
over a month now!" When I mentioned MG he responded "It
figures", and gave me the whole run-down on them.

If I had bought from MG, by the time I bought a 1.3 ROM and
fatter Agnus from them, the aditional several hunderd dollars
added on their advertised price would have actually made it cost
more than an equivalent machine from any of the reputable
mail-order firms. That's assuming the machine from MG actually
worked and was in good condition.

Since then I have met several people who haven't been as lucky. 
Several have received dented/scratched/non-functional equipment
with various items (mouse/keyboard/disks/manuals/origional
boxes) not included. Two actually lost money because they had
orders in when MG went bankrupt one of its many times.

> Sure prices look way too good to be true, 
That's because they are.

> but if they are that bad,
> how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines

Because AmigaWhirled and co. don't really want
to turn down those nice, expensiv,e two-page, 3-color ads.

> and havent been sued yet?

Who's to say they haven't been sued?

     /// Tyler "Ty" Sarna            E-Mail: tsarna@polar.bowdoin.edu 
 \\\///  "Welcome to the Late Show/Starring Null and Void" - Men@Work

lou@vaxsc (03/13/91)

In article <9103091142.55@rmkhome.UUCP>, Rick Kelly <rmkhome!rmk> writes:

>In article <15564@chaph.usc.edu> aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) writes:
>>In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
>>>In article <Mar.> of
>>>comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
>>>> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
>>>> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
>>>Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!
>>But why?
>>Sure prices look way too good to be true, but if they are that bad,
>>how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines and havent
>>been sued yet?


>2. Magazines stay alive through paid advertising.  They can't be too picky.

Let me take a moment to say that AmigaWorld stays alive via more than just
paid advertising.  At $29.95 (us) for a magazine that SMALLER than the 
WEEKLY Macweek publication, and with approximately the same number of

Don't get me wrong, they have some good articles, I just find them a bit
pricey for no more information than they have. 

BTW this ties in because they FREQUENTLY run full 2-page ads for Montgomery
Grant, with no disclaimer in the back about MG not being an authorized 

Of course, this is only conjecture and should not be taken as gospel.

        -Lou Williams            Via Bitnet :   william8@niehs.bitnet
                                Via Internet:   lou@vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov
        Computer Sciences Corporation,    Research Triangle Park, NC
        -Sometimes in order to feel better about yourself, you have to
        make others feel bad, and I'm tired of making others feel good
        about themselves.               -Homer Simpson.
	All of the above is only my opinion, and likely warped ones at that.

terry@helios.ucsc.edu (Terry Ricketts) (03/13/91)

In article <47367@nigel.ee.udel.edu> lou@vaxsc writes:

>Let me take a moment to say that AmigaWorld stays alive via more than just
>paid advertising.  At $29.95 (us) for a magazine that SMALLER than the 
>WEEKLY Macweek publication, and with approximately the same number of

>Don't get me wrong, they have some good articles, I just find them a bit
>pricey for no more information than they have. 

>BTW this ties in because they FREQUENTLY run full 2-page ads for Montgomery
>Grant, with no disclaimer in the back about MG not being an authorized 

   I think what is needed here is a letter writing campaign to the magazines
complaining about these ads. I once wrote to .info about it & was told that
they kept running the ad because they had no complaints. These magazines need
to be told what a diservice they are doing to the Amiga community by accepting
ads from Montgomery Grant. I get upset every month when I see that ad and
wonder how many other people are going to order from them because the ad is in
a reputable magazine.

| Terry Ricketts			|  Internet: terry@helios.ucsc.edu
| Senior Electronics Engineer		|  	     loel@helios.ucsc.edu
| Lick Observatory Electronics Lab	|  Phone:    408-459-2110
| University of Calif, Santa Cruz 	|

jimmy@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) (03/14/91)

In article <13382@darkstar.ucsc.edu> terry@helios.ucsc.edu (Terry Ricketts) writes:
>   I think what is needed here is a letter writing campaign to the magazines
>complaining about these ads. I once wrote to .info about it & was told that
>they kept running the ad because they had no complaints. These magazines need
>to be told what a diservice they are doing to the Amiga community by accepting
>ads from Montgomery Grant. I get upset every month when I see that ad and
>wonder how many other people are going to order from them because the ad is in
>a reputable magazine.
>						Terry

While you send notes to the magazines, you should also include a note to 
the Better Business Bureau of the state that Montgomery Grant is operating
from.  Instead of only trying to get them out of the magazines, it might be
much easier/better to close them down for unfair business practices.  

fstuart@eng.auburn.edu (Frank Stuart) (03/14/91)

In article <11943@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> jimmy@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) writes:
>In article <13382@darkstar.ucsc.edu> terry@helios.ucsc.edu (Terry Ricketts) writes:
>>   I think what is needed here is a letter writing campaign to the magazines
>>complaining about these ads. I once wrote to .info about it & was told that
>>they kept running the ad because they had no complaints. These magazines need
>>to be told what a diservice they are doing to the Amiga community by accepting
>>ads from Montgomery Grant. I get upset every month when I see that ad and
>>wonder how many other people are going to order from them because the ad is in
>>a reputable magazine.
>>						Terry
>While you send notes to the magazines, you should also include a note to 
>the Better Business Bureau of the state that Montgomery Grant is operating
>from.  Instead of only trying to get them out of the magazines, it might be
>much easier/better to close them down for unfair business practices.  

This is a very good idea.  I've had problems with Mibro in the past, and didn't
get any action at all until I called the Better Business Bureau (Mibro even
hung up on me...avoid like the plague!).  You might also check your state
agencies (look in the phone book under Alabama, state of, for example).
If you have a specific complaint, E-Mail me the details, and I'll keep it on
file and add a tick on my list of amiga mail order dealers.  


dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/09/91)

In article <9103091142.55@rmkhome.UUCP> rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) writes:
>In article <15564@chaph.usc.edu> aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) writes:
>>In article <46741@nigel.ee.udel.edu> tsarna@pooh (Tyler Sarna) writes:
>>>In article <Mar.> of
>>>comp.sys.amiga.misc, Rich Andrews <andrewsr@tubes.rutgers.edu> writes:
>>>> Montgomery Grant [...] Anyone have
>>>> experiences with them that they could briefly mention to me?  
>>>Do business  with Montgomery Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!
>>But why?
>>Sure prices look way too good to be true, but if they are that bad,
>>how come they keep advertising in "reputable" magazines and havent
>>been sued yet?
>1. They are no longer a Commodore authorized distributor.
>2. Magazines stay alive through paid advertising.  They can't be too picky.
>3. Over the last year or so it has been documented here on the net that MG
>   will sell you a used machine as new.  MG has terrible service, and it is
>  a great hassle to get them to replace anything defective.

4. They are desparate for your business. They are even open on Sundays!

5. They are in New York City. Enough said! :)

>If you buy a machine from MG, Commodore won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
>You pay your money, and you take your chances.
>Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.UUCP	frog!rmkhome!rmk	rmk@frog.UUCP

David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  
  -- Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

grmg6820@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Geoffrey R. Mason) (04/11/91)

I once called Montgomery Grant looking for good prices for Hard Drives...
The guy on the phone was rude and curt to me...  There was a HUGE "installation
cost" added on to plop my HD into the controller peripheral box...  They would
not answer questions!  This was an order line!  Sheesh!

Geoffrey R. Mason		|	grmg6820@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Department of Psychology	|	gmason@s.psych.uiuc.edu
University of Illinois		|	x9999bng@maple.circa.ufl.edu