[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000T Specs wanted

Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) (03/30/91)

    Can somebody post the specs on the A3000T. I still have not seen
 a complete description.

    "Resist Much; obey little." -Whitman

 Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions

kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (03/31/91)

From AmigaWorld magazine:


             * 68030/68882 at 25MHz

             * 280 Watts power supply

             * 4MB of 32-bit RAM(expandable to 16MB)

             * 1MB of Chip RAM (expandable to 2MB)

             * 100MB hard drive

             * one 3.5" 880K floppy

             * Space (externally accessible) for:
                       - one 3.5" drive
                       - one 5.25" half-height, horizontal mount
                       - two 5.25" half-height, vertical mount

             * Space (internal) for:
                       - up to two full-height, or four half-height devices.

             * Expansion:
                       - 68040 accelerator slot
                       - video slot
                       - 5 Zorro III slots
                       - 4 PC slots

       No mention whether it works with the TOASTER. It's pretty much an
A3000 in a big case.

       Best regards

tell@oscar.cs.unc.edu (Stephen Tell) (04/02/91)

In article <1991Mar31.132247.3757@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
>From AmigaWorld magazine:
>       A3000T:

>       No mention whether it works with the TOASTER. It's pretty much an
>A3000 in a big case.

Also no concrete mention of when it would be available.  The article
said somthing like ...As we go to press, Commodore is about to announce...

Did AW jump the gun? 
I've seen no official confirmation or even the party line
"we don't talk about new stuff until its released" from Commodore.

If anyone knows anything real about when it will be available,
when it will be available under Educational Discount, and what it will
cost, please post.

Does anyone remember the sequence of events surrounding the A3000's release
for comparison?  ("Previews", actuall announcement, on Edu. list, etc)

I appreciate Commodore's position about announcement of new products, but
if its at all possible I'd like to consider getting one.  It has to
be before graduation, though!

>       Best regards
>   Edval esantos@macdlab.ee.cornell.edu   kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu

Steve Tell       tell@cs.unc.edu    H: +1 919 968 1792   #5L Estes Park apts
CS Grad Student, UNC Chapel Hill.   W: +1 919 962 1845   Carrboro NC 27510

wasp@chumly.ka.sub.org (Walter Mildenberger) (04/05/91)

In article <2809@borg.cs.unc.edu>,
	tell@oscar.cs.unc.edu (Stephen Tell) writes:
>In article <1991Mar31.132247.3757@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
>>From AmigaWorld magazine:
>>       A3000T:
>>       No mention whether it works with the TOASTER. It's pretty much an
>>A3000 in a big case.
>Also no concrete mention of when it would be available.  The article
>said somthing like ...As we go to press, Commodore is about to announce...
>Did AW jump the gun? 
>I've seen no official confirmation or even the party line
>"we don't talk about new stuff until its released" from Commodore.
>If anyone knows anything real about when it will be available,
>when it will be available under Educational Discount, and what it will
>cost, please post.
>Does anyone remember the sequence of events surrounding the A3000's release
>for comparison?  ("Previews", actuall announcement, on Edu. list, etc)

Well, the A3000 wasn't presented at CeBit '90 (March) - but released short
after: Jun ? Jul ? don't remember me :(

The A3000T was presented at CeBit '91 - so what do you think 'bout the time
they release it ? :-)

just my $0.02 ...

* Walter Mildenberger, Morgenstr. 55, W-7500 Karlsruhe 1,FRG, (0721)385090 *
* UseNet/SubNet: wasp@chumly.ka.sub.org | Bitnet: sorry, no time to handle *
* #include  <stddiscl.h>	Nobody cares 'bout what I say, so what ?!? *

lindwall@beowulf.ucsd.edu (John Lindwall) (04/11/91)

In article <1991Mar31.132247.3757@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> kzyx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
>From AmigaWorld magazine:
> [some specs]
>             * 4MB of 32-bit RAM(expandable to 16MB)

Are these the higher density chips?  I mean, if I chose to expand to
16MB would I toss these installed chips and purchase 16MB of the
higher density (1Mx4?) RAMS? 

Does anyone have the physical dimensions of the case?  I wonder if it'll
fit under my desk...  Thanks!

John Lindwall			lindwall@cs.ucsd.edu
"Oh look at me! I'm all flooby! I'll be a son of a gun!" -- Flaming Carrot