[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Pro Page 1.2/Gold Disk service

LASKEY@svax05.pcr.co.uk (03/26/91)

Ummm, I bought Pro Page 1.3 in December and registered at the beginning of
January.  I then bought TransWrite and also registered, also sending a letter
to Gold Disk asking a couple of questions.

Certainly, I've had nothing at all back from them.  No acknowledgment, and 
what happened to the newsletter that supposed to be sent out?

I'm in the U.K., and hoping (like in the U.S.) to receive V2.0 for free.
Chasing a Canadian company from England isn't going to be much fun.

Pro Page is a great product, but I wish Gold Disk's after-sales service was
equally as impressive.

Mike Laskey                      \||/         Karina from Seasalter
Contact address:                  ||               Mystic Mage
UUCP                              ||              of Alteration
LASKEY@UK.CO.PCR.SVAX05		 /||\      "See you in the Astral plane"

sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) (03/27/91)

I bought Pro Page 1.3 in December and registered it with the understanding
I was eligable for the 2.0 upgrade for free. About a month ago I recieved
an 'Upgrade to 2.0 for only $75' flyer. I called Gold Disk, and asked them
what was going on, I thought I was supposed to get it for free?

They told me to disregard the letter that they were mailing it to all registered
users, and I should get my 2.0 in the mail (free) RSN. 

Still waiting...
I think I will call them back and see what the deal is.

John Sparks        |"Help Fight Continental Drift!"| (502)957-4200 2400 BPS
D.I.S.K. Management| Email: sparks@disk.UUCP       | 6 lines, public access unix
                   |      uunet!coplex!disk!sparks |
    *Online Games*Usenet*Email*Chatting*Downloads*Supporting all computers*

spear@locus.com (Brad Spear) (03/28/91)

In article (murfle) sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) wrote:
>I bought Pro Page 1.3 in December and registered it with the understanding
>I was eligable for the 2.0 upgrade for free. About a month ago I recieved
>an 'Upgrade to 2.0 for only $75' flyer. I called Gold Disk, and asked them
>what was going on, I thought I was supposed to get it for free?
>They told me to disregard the letter that they were mailing it to all registered
>users, and I should get my 2.0 in the mail (free) RSN. 

Well, their service must be very uneven.  Or maybe I'm just lucky?  I bought
ProPage 1.3 late last year.  I was waiting for ProPage 2.0 to be released,
but the box had a 'free upgrade' sticker, and I had the cash and ...

I sent in my registration some weeks later (I tend to procastinate too
much), along with a letter that I was interested in the upgrade when it
was released.  I also purchased the Compugraphic font package that was
offered at a reduced rate.  Maybe the fact that I purchased this extra
item made them more responsive? :->  However, since I wanted the fonts,
and the cost was less than I would otherwise have had to pay, it seemed
reasonable to me.

Anyway, the fonts arrived a reasonably short time later, followed by ProPage
2.0 a few weeks ago.  The only down side is that my personal life has been
rather busy lately, so that I have had *no* time to play with it.

Personally, I think that the simple letter prompted Gold Disk to be more
responsive.  Maybe not, since I seem to recall that other people, who are
waiting for ProPage 2.0, also sent letters.

Brad Spear				Locus Computing Corporation
spear@locus.com				Inglewood, CA, USA
Disclaimer: I speak for no one but myself.
This line intentionally left blank.

koshy@abekrd.co.uk (Koshy Abraham) (03/28/91)

In <48810@nigel.ee.udel.edu> LASKEY@svax05.pcr.co.uk writes:

>Ummm, I bought Pro Page 1.3 in December and registered at the beginning of
>January.  I then bought TransWrite and also registered, also sending a letter
>to Gold Disk asking a couple of questions.
I got mine in June 90.

>Certainly, I've had nothing at all back from them.  No acknowledgment, and 
>what happened to the newsletter that supposed to be sent out?
I've only seen this newsletter with their distribution disks.

>I'm in the U.K., and hoping (like in the U.S.) to receive V2.0 for free.
>Chasing a Canadian company from England isn't going to be much fun.
Hey I'm in the U.K. too. I received my upgrade to 2.0 just this very
morning - looks pretty good.

I phoned Gold Disk about 2 1/2 weeks ago and paid $75 for the upgrade which
includes postage to the U.K.. Not bad going - last time I ordered something
from the U.S. it took 6 weeks by mail.

>Pro Page is a great product, but I wish Gold Disk's after-sales service was
>equally as impressive.
2.0 is even better, I hope you get yours soon.

>Mike Laskey                      \||/         Karina from Seasalter

Koshy Abraham                UUCP: ...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!pyrltd!abekrd!koshy
Abekas Video Systems Ltd.     NET: koshy@abekrd.co.uk       //
12 Portman Rd,   Reading,   PHONE: +44 734 585421          //                   
Berkshire.       RG3 1EA.     FAX: +44 734 597267      \\ //
United Kingdom.             TELEX: 847579              K\A/b

s37732v@vipunen.hut.fi (Markus Juhani Aalto) (04/11/91)

   In <48810@nigel.ee.udel.edu> LASKEY@svax05.pcr.co.uk writes:

   >I'm in the U.K., and hoping (like in the U.S.) to receive V2.0 for free.
   >Chasing a Canadian company from England isn't going to be much fun.
   Hey I'm in the U.K. too. I received my upgrade to 2.0 just this very
   morning - looks pretty good.

Well I`m from Finland and I got V2.01 Beta last Friday. I`m very
impressed because of their fast service. I send my bug report to them 
from V2.0 about 2 weeks before they send me this one.

Here is the list what have been fixed in 2.01Beta:
     Crashing with Amiga Fonts (Happened with SetPatch V1.38), this
	      was my original problem!
     Problems with A2024 or Moniterm monitor. 
     Corrupted documents sometimes. (Well never happened to me!)
     Problems bit bitmaps! (No problems either!)

I don`t think there is need for this new beta upgrade if you have no
problems with V2.0. I also got a letter from GDisk and they said that
they are sending final version from V2.01 in couple of weeks. Well,
I`m waiting!! 

   >Pro Page is a great product, but I wish Gold Disk's after-sales service was
   >equally as impressive.
   2.0 is even better, I hope you get yours soon.

One happy customer right here! :^)


*  Markus.Aalto@hut.fi    |       Only Amiga makes it possible!!!!    *
*  s37732v@vipunen.hut.fi |                                           *
*  s37732v@puukko.hut.fi  |       Yeah! It's a sure thing!            *
*  maalto4@otax.hut.fi    |       :^)                                 *