[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Workbench 1.3 patches and 2.0 availability

john@nereid.jpl.nasa.gov (John Veregge) (04/10/91)

 While waiting for AmigaDOS 2.0, I have heard (from the usual apocryaphal
 sources {-:) that there have been updates/patches to AmigaDOS 1.3.
 If this is true, where can I obtain them? My current version id's are:
 KickStart 34.5, WorkBench 34.28, ARP 39.1, and the utility SetPatch 1.34.

 I primarily monitor the announce newsgroups and tend to miss unofficial
 announcements. Any ideas as to 2.0 availability for an Amiga 2000HD?
John R Veregge                 Section 348 - Flight Command and Data
Jet Propulsion Laboratory      Management (Technology Development)
Calif Institute of Technology  Mail stop: T1704, Office: T1704-P
4800 Oak Grove Drive           Phone: (818) 354-0511, FAX: 393-4089
Pasadena, CA, USA 91109        john@triton.jpl.nasa.gov

bpv9073@sjfc.UUCP (Brett VanSprewenburg) (04/11/91)

[I shot the line eater]

In article <6160@mahendo.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> john@triton.JPL.NASA.GOV writes:
> While waiting for AmigaDOS 2.0, I have heard (from the usual apocryaphal
> sources {-:) that there have been updates/patches to AmigaDOS 1.3.
> If this is true, where can I obtain them? My current version id's are:
> KickStart 34.5, WorkBench 34.28, ARP 39.1, and the utility SetPatch 1.34.

Well, you have the identical versions to me, except for WorkBench. I have
version 34.32. Which is I believe the infamous WB 1.3.3. Correct me if I'm
wrong on this one...
