[comp.sys.amiga.misc] My printer needs oiled...

amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Andy Hartman - AmigaMan) (04/12/91)

I've got a KX-P1124 printer that is about 3 years old.  The carriage is 
beginning to rub on the bar that it slides on.  I was wondering if I could
just apply a drop or two of household oil on the bar to get it to slide

Any thoughts?

BTW, it doesn't rub when in draft mode, I guess it's going too fast.


* Andy Hartman       | I'd deny half of this crap anyway!| "Somedays, you just
* Indiana University |   amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu |  can't get rid of a
*    //	 Amiga Man   |   AMHARTMA@rose.ucs.indiana.edu   |  bomb!" 
*  \X/	 At Large!   |        or just "Hey putz!"        | - Batman (original)