[comp.sys.amiga.misc] DMS Help

890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) (04/11/91)

     Could someone please help me.  I recently downloaded a couple of
files archived with DMS. I have DMS-1.01 and DMS-1.02 but I can't
extract the files from the archive with either of these programs.
Here's what I tried:
                    dms write file.dms to df0:

This does not copy any files to df0:

What is the problem?

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/12/91)

In article <1991Apr10.203212.13432@aucs.AcadiaU.ca> 890560p@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Trevor Porter) writes:
>     Could someone please help me.  I recently downloaded a couple of
>files archived with DMS. I have DMS-1.01 and DMS-1.02 but I can't
>extract the files from the archive with either of these programs.
>Here's what I tried:
>                    dms write file.dms to df0:
>This does not copy any files to df0:
>What is the problem?

  My Amiga decided not to multitask today, so I can't double check this...

  Assume that DMS is like Warp. Try typing 'dms write file.dms', and see
if it defaults to df0:. Second, remember that the file.dms is an 880k disk
that has been compressed into one file. In other words, when it writes to
df0:, you will have an exact duplicate 880k disk of the one that was stored
in the file.dms. All data that was on the 880k disk will be lost and over
written be the file.dms. It works the same as warp, lhwarp, zoom, zap, et al.
It is NOT like arc,lharc,zip,zoo, et al. 

    David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  Tomas Arce 
           Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.