[comp.sys.amiga.misc] UK Computer Shopper / Amiga Shopper

clcp16@vaxa.strath.ac.uk (Stewart C. Russell) (04/12/91)

In article <jms.3971@vanth.UUCP>, jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:
> In article <m0jOrM5-0003NEC@meepmeep.pcs.com> jkh@MEEPMEEP.PCS.COM (Jordan K. Hubbard) writes:
>>I recommend looking at "Computer Shopper", a rather startlingly mistitled
>>new offering from the Amiga Computing folks. Their premier issue looked
>>very good indeed, with plenty of the self-depreciating humor we've all
>>come to know and love in British culture (is that an oxymoron?).

UK Computer Shopper is *not* published by Interactive, the publishers of
Amiga Computing. It is published by Dennis, a completely different company.
(Does anyone actually like Amiga Computing out there?)
Maybe you're thinking of "Amiga Shopper",published by Future (Amiga
Format people) which is Britain's only non-games Amiga magazine. It's
wonderful, it's cheap, but I'm biased.

> How can they call their zine "Computer Shopper"?!  There's already a
> "Computer Shopper" here in the U.S.  (Unfortunately, they don't do much for
> the Amiga community.)

Possibly because US Computer Shopper is completely unavailable here. There'd
be a riot if it was, since US prices are about half UK ones. UK Computer
Shopper is around quarter the size of its Stateside namesake, but does have
many more articles by very good writers.

|Stewart C. Russell       | University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK|
|clcp16@vaxa.strath.ac.uk |        (opinions my own, not theirs)            |
|                Also known as scruss@cix.compulink.co.uk                   |
|	"Beauty is truth, truth beauty" - Keats                             |
|	"You lying get!" - The Living Carpets, Vic Reeves Big Night Out     |