[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WB1.3 icon bug!!

maxc1553@ucselx.sdsu.edu (InnerTangent - human1) (04/12/91)

I have a bug report.. 

Sometimes, when I click an icon that's half-behind another window, the computer
freezes..  Or when I have severel windows open with lot's of icons in them, 
just clicking on one icon (or shift select several icons) will also lock-up my 

My setup is Amiga 500 with WB 1.3.2.  3.5Mb Fast memory and .5Mb Fat Agnus(512)
 I have in my startup-sequence the program 'fixintui', 'wtfpatch', 'gomf3.0'.

Other friend of mine have the exactly same problem on his A500 (equipped with
fatter Agnus and 512K fast).  

Anybody out there in the net-land have a solution to this? Thank you very much.
   *     All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.   +