[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Patch for IBeM

jmauric@hubcap.clemson.edu (Phantom of Adexsi) (04/12/91)

From article <1991Apr12.154024.452@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>, by chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis):
> Unfortunately, in the first distributed copies of IBeM, there is a bug which
> will stop it from running unless you are using ARP's mount command to mount
> the devices IBMA: etc.  This problem does not exist in the demo version of
> IBeM, as the demo did not use the DOS environment field but rather chose to
> read the devs:mountlist file for itself.
ask the author to fix IBeM so that it runs on all machines, not just ones
with 68020's and higher. or is this not possible?

!X!   Music   Edit    Tools    Special  !        999999999 Bytes Free
=====!       !=================================================================

chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) (04/12/91)

I've been asked to post the following by Mark Tomlinson, the author
of IBeM (a software only IBM PC emulator for 68020 amiga's and above)

-----included message follows-------

From:	ELECVB::TOMLINSON    12-APR-1991 14:36:56.02
Subj:	IBeM patch - for full version

Unfortunately, in the first distributed copies of IBeM, there is a bug which
will stop it from running unless you are using ARP's mount command to mount
the devices IBMA: etc.  This problem does not exist in the demo version of
IBeM, as the demo did not use the DOS environment field but rather chose to
read the devs:mountlist file for itself.

For everyone who has bought a copy of IBeM, and prefer's to use the WB MONT
command instead of using ARP's the following patch can be applied.

Using a sector/binary file editor, this simple one byte fix will allow you
to use the WB 1.3 MOUNT command.

Find:            206D FFEA 0C90 0000 0010
Replace with:    206D FFEA 0C90 0000 0020
                                       ^^ only this last byte has changed.

(For those of you who want to know what the difference between ARP's mount
and WB's mount is: Mounting with ARP gives a DosEnv size of 16, whereas with
WB its size is 18.  IBeM would complain at an environment size of this size.)

This patch only applies to version's 1.01 and 1.02 of IBeM.   This bug has
been fixed in version 1.03 of IBeM.

For anyone wondering what the progress on IBeM is, there is already parallel
port emulation, and bugs have been removed from IBeM (screen handling, PKZIP
& PKUNZIP now function, error handling improved over the demo version).

 - Mark Tomlinson

E-mail: tomlinson@elec.canterbury.ac.nz

------end of included message-------
| o  John Davis - CHEM194@canterbury.ac.nz               o |
| o  (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department      o |
| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o |