[comp.sys.amiga.misc] **********-----------HELP with DMS

css1rs@ainur.ee.surrey.ac.uk (Russell Smithers) (04/09/91)

	Can anyone tel me where I can get the program that unarcs .dms files

Russell Smithers,

Computing Assistant, Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
          University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, England
R.Smithers@cs.surrey.ac.uk                                 +483 571281 x2659

Shock me put on your black leather!!

v089pfrb@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Jeffrey C Murphy) (04/14/91)

In article <1991Apr9.135439.10678@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK>, css1rs@ainur.ee.surrey.ac.uk (Russell Smithers) writes...
>	Can anyone tel me where I can get the program that unarcs .dms files

CLI> DMS WRITE [file].dms  TO [dev:]  LOW [start-track]  HI [end-track]
          DECRYPT [password] 

If the file is a full disk archive, without  a password, just omit the LOW
HI and DECRYPT parameters.

from the CLI type DMS to get a list of functions (plus several screens of
