[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Call for submissions to THE WHO'S WHO OF C.S.A

umueller@iiic.ethz.ch (Urban Dominik Mueller) (04/15/91)

This  is  a  call  for  submissions to the WHO'S WHO OF COMP.SYS.AMIGA.  If
you'd  like yourself or someone else included, please submit the address in
the following format:
e-mail address                 name          comment
--------------                 ----          -------
71545.1466@compuserve.com      Jeff Davis    R:Manx technical support
announce@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu               R:comp.sys.amiga.announce
dillon@Overload.Berkeley.CA.US Matt Dillon   A:DICE, DMouse, DNet, UUCP
fishpond!fnf@phx.mcd.mot.com   Fred Fish     R:Fish disks
jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com Randell Jesup R:C= AmigaDOS
umueller@iiic.ethz.ch          Urban Mueller A:csh, who's who U:Aztec C 5.0d
- A: means "Author of", U: means "User of", R: means "Responsible for"
- Please mention any special knowledge you have, e.g. if you are a C++
  wizard. People who need help with C++ will no longer have to do c.s.a
  postings like "HELP! Can't compile HelloWorld.cp" but can ask someone 
  from the who's who.
- If  you  submit other people's addresses (I hope you will!), please make
  sure they don't object to publishing them. If someone posts an article 
  on c.s.a, you can assume that it's OK to include his address.
- Don't submit any unverified addresses.
- You can also include compuserve addresses, and if you know gateways,
  BIX and GEnie addresses.
- Submit per email to umueller@iiic.ethz.ch, I'll post the list in two
 |          Urban Mueller         |      / / |    Urban Mueller    |
 | INTERNET:umueller@iiic.ethz.ch | __  / /  |    Schulhausstr. 83 |
 | FIDONET: 2:302/906 (AUGL)      | \ \/ /   | CH-6312 Steinhausen |
 | "Don't tell my employer"       |  \__/    |    SWITZERLAND      |