[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Maple?

ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu (Patrick Palmer) (04/13/91)

I have pretty decided to buying Maple.  I wrote and got the full
package of material (reviews and comparisons with other packages as
well as lots of details about use of the package).  I have two
questions which I hope users can answer:

1. What version is now available for the Amiga?  After 90 days
upgrades cost 60% of the full price, and since 5.0 for the Amiga has
been "soon" for a long time, it seems like a safer idea to wait until
they actually release rather than guess that it will be within 90

2. I plan to use it on an un-accelerated A2000.  Is that in fact tolerable?

Pat Palmer (email: ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu)

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (04/13/91)

In article <1991Apr12.232054.10840@midway.uchicago.edu> ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu (Patrick Palmer) writes:
>I have pretty decided to buying Maple.  I wrote and got the full
>package of material (reviews and comparisons with other packages as
>well as lots of details about use of the package).  I have two
>questions which I hope users can answer:
>1. What version is now available for the Amiga?  After 90 days
>upgrades cost 60% of the full price, and since 5.0 for the Amiga has
>been "soon" for a long time, it seems like a safer idea to wait until
>they actually release rather than guess that it will be within 90
	Anyone who buys after Jan 1, i.e. you, will get a free
upgrade when it comes out.

>2. I plan to use it on an un-accelerated A2000.  Is that in fact tolerable?
	It is very fast on my A3000 and it should be at least
acceptable on the 2000.

>Pat Palmer (email: ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu)

	-- Ethan

Q: How many Comp Sci majors does it take to change a lightbulb
A: None. It's a hardware problem.

hb136@leah.albany.edu (Herb Brown) (04/13/91)

In article <1991Apr12.232054.10840@midway.uchicago.edu> ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu (Patrick Palmer) writes:
>I have pretty decided to buying Maple.  I wrote and got the full
>package of material (reviews and comparisons with other packages as
>well as lots of details about use of the package).  I have two
>questions which I hope users can answer:
>1. What version is now available for the Amiga?  After 90 days
>upgrades cost 60% of the full price, and since 5.0 for the Amiga has
>been "soon" for a long time, it seems like a safer idea to wait until
>they actually release rather than guess that it will be within 90

Version V is currently being beta-tested and looks quite good. I run it on
a 3000 under kickstart version 37.74 and WB2.xx version 37.33.
Of course, Maple 4.2 *is* available, but lacks three-dimensional 'goodies'.
We use Maple 4.2 in our Amiga Classroom.

>2. I plan to use it on an un-accelerated A2000.  Is that in fact tolerable?

Yes, Maple 4.2 runs quite well on a 2000hd, for example. Our Classroom uses
2000hd's and we successfully use Maple. Expect it to be slower than on the
A2500, but it certainly works.

P.S. Maple V also runs well on the A2500 under the appropriate versions of
kickstart and WB2.xx.

>Pat Palmer (email: ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu)


Herb Brown  Math Dept  The Univ at Albany  Albany, NY 12222  (518) 442-4640
hibrown@leah.albany.edu or hibrown@cssun.albany.edu or hibrown@bst.albany.edu

gwalborn@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Gary D Walborn) (04/14/91)

I have recently purchased Amiga Maple, Version 4.2.   The Waterloo people
promised that I would receive Version 5 free of charge as soon as it became
available.  My major hesitation in purchasing Maple was the upgrade policy.
As I understand it, the single user license provides updates and technical
support for a year.  After that you have to re-purchase the software.  I
will probably plan on using Version 5 for some time!  Version 4.2 is nice,
but is no speed demon on a 25MHz 3000!  Be prepared to wait for some functions!
I looked at Mathematica (I have an AMAX), but I found Maple easier to use.
Good Luck!

Gary Walborn <gwalborn@cs.pitt.edu>

rlcarr@athena.mit.edu (Richard L. Carreiro) (04/15/91)

In article <1991Apr12.232054.10840@midway.uchicago.edu> ppalmer@oskar.uchicago.edu (Patrick Palmer) writes:
>1. What version is now available for the Amiga?  After 90 days
>upgrades cost 60% of the full price, and since 5.0 for the Amiga has
>been "soon" for a long time, it seems like a safer idea to wait until
>they actually release rather than guess that it will be within 90

Maple 4.2 is currently avail for AmigaDOS.  However, Maple is currently
guaranteeing a *FREE* upgrade to 5.0 no matter how long it takes
to get it out the door.  This is what I have been told in correspondance
with people from Maple.

A potential problem is that Maple V may only work with AmigaDOS 2.0.
Maple says they are working hard on making it work with both 1.3 and 2.0,
but it may not be possible.

Rich Carreiro                                    "My country, right or wrong,"
ARPA: rlcarr@athena.mit.edu                                is like
UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!mit-athena!rlcarr            "My driver, sober or drunk."
BITNET: rlcarr@athena.mit.edu      JITTLOV FOREVER!