[comp.sys.amiga.misc] paint programs

Scott.Bragg@f70.n363.z1.fidonet.org (Scott Bragg) (04/15/91)

 TN>         I need a program that can be usede  to edit picture files  
 TN> (digitized) and do such things as change colors, cut out parts and 
 TN> move 
 TN> them (not rectangular shaped parts, arbitrary parts) etc.. 
 TN> I would like to (most probably need to) edit HAM pictures.  If you 
 TN> know 
 TN> of any program that would be good for this please write me.  Even if 
 TN> it 
 TN> doesnt fulfill all of these requirements, i want to know the pros 
 TN> and cons 
 TN> of some various programs, so just send me a little note describing 
 TN> your 
 TN> favorite program, and that would be fine too... thanx.. 
 TN>                          Tim Newsham 
 TN>                         newsham@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu 
Tim, you need to look at DigiPaint 3.0... I use it quite frequently when 
touching up frames I render in Imagine (a 3d ray tracing package)...  It 
handles HAM as well as allowing pictures of up to 1024x1024 sizes (but 
only 320x400 or so on screen, you scroll around the picture)... it 
allows freehand cut and paste and has a fairly good pallet control 
                                      Scott Bragg

Scott Bragg - via FidoNet node 1:363/42
ARPA: Scott.Bragg@f70.n363.z1.fidonet.org
