[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ARP info wanted

muzzle@cs.uq.oz.au (Murray Chapman) (04/15/91)

Hi there

  Found this on an anonymous FTP site in Finland and thought I would forward

[chomp, chomp, chomp]

> It was at a particular tutorial on 68000 assembly language programming that
> one of our members asked for any information on the Arp.Library, in particular
> one routine offsets and calling parameters.  I searched through all my 68000
> books and cannot find it anywhere, nor does it appears to be documented in the
> Fish PD library.  So, if you happen to have the relevant information, or know 
> where to get it, please contact me at:
>                          EXUSOC5@UK.AC.HW.VAXA
> this is a JANET address, I'm afraid that I don't know what the format would be
> from elsewhere.

try EXUSOC5@vaxa.hw.ac.uk or exusoc5@vaxa.hw.ac.uk

> Even if you don't have any information on the arp.library but wish to learn 
> more about our society or exchange some Amiga tips and ideas, please do not 
> hesitate to contact us.
> Thanks
> Andrew Taylor
> Vice President

|   | Murray Chapman                          muzzle@cs.uq.oz.au       |   |
| o |                                                                  | o |
|   | University of Queensland      "I'd rather have a bottle in front |   |
| o | St Lucia, Queenland            of me than a frontal lobotomy"    | o |
|   | AUSTRALIA                               - Mel Brooks             |   |
| o |                                                                  | o |
                                                          \__          | o |
                                        Hate that! ----->    +^-^-^-^-^-^-^-