[comp.sys.amiga.misc] REVIEW: World of Amiga

david@twg.com (David S. Herron) (04/15/91)

In article <1991Apr10.061909.28231@menudo.uh.edu> tron1@tronsbox.xei.com (Kenneth Jamieson) writes:
>1) There have been 3 million Amigas shipped by CBM worldwide.
>	This is an interesting number.  We were told that over 75% of them are
>	A500's so we can be very happy that machine exists!
>	We were also told again (is this supposed to make us feel better that
>	in more than 5 years there are only 3 million out there?) that
>	it took us less time to do this than it took the Mac.

Actually.. this makes *me* feel pretty good.  After all
it was only last summer that they passed the 2 million mark.

(Can someone who knows post a timeline of when certain
sales figures were known to be passed?  If the rate is
accelerating then this is a very good trend..)

<- David Herron, an MMDF & WIN/MHS guy, <david@twg.com>
<- Formerly: David Herron -- NonResident E-Mail Hack <david@ms.uky.edu>
<- "MS-DOS? Where we're going we don't need MS-DOS." --Back To The Future