[comp.sys.amiga.misc] HELP! Trouble with hard drive

vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) (04/15/91)

My A3000 guru'd while trying to save an ILBM file with XLispStat
running in the background.  The drive which it was saving to now
reports a "Volume Misc has a checksum error on disk block 87611"
which comes up when trying to access the partition either while
reading or deleting the offending file.  It also comes up when
accessing the drive on boot up.  What can I do??

I tried HDToolBox and checked for Errors on Disk.  There are none
reported.  I do not want to reformat the drive since I am out of
floppy disks to store the data on (besides the partition is 50 meg).
Help!!  There are several very important files on the partition. 
How can I fix the problem?  Disksalv does not seem likely.  I also
thought about using a disk utility such as NewZap or DiskZap.  These
do not seem compatible with a hard drive.  NewZap references only by
file and DiskZap seems to have no way to reference disk blocks by
decimal number.  Besides, I couldn't figure out what to do with the
file when I get it on NewZap.

Does someone have any suggestions, or could you direct me to any
utilities which may be able to repair files or blocks with
damaged checksums and validate the partition?  Also, Filemaster
will not write to the disk.  Anything I do comes up with
"Volume Misc not validated".  Is there anything I can do?

Please reply email ASAP since I have to get this partition working
by tomorrow.

Thanks very much,

vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) (04/16/91)

In article <1991Apr15.015043.8672@cbnewsj.att.com> vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) writes:
>My A3000 guru'd while trying to save an ILBM file with XLispStat
>running in the background.  The drive which it was saving to now
>reports a "Volume Misc has a checksum error on disk block 87611"
>which comes up when trying to access the partition either while
>reading or deleting the offending file.  It also comes up when
>accessing the drive on boot up.  What can I do??
>I tried HDToolBox and checked for Errors on Disk.  There are none
>reported.  I do not want to reformat the drive since I am out of
>floppy disks to store the data on (besides the partition is 50 meg).
>Help!!  There are several very important files on the partition. 
>How can I fix the problem?  Disksalv does not seem likely.  I also
>thought about using a disk utility such as NewZap or DiskZap.  These
>do not seem compatible with a hard drive.  NewZap references only by
>file and DiskZap seems to have no way to reference disk blocks by
>decimal number.  Besides, I couldn't figure out what to do with the
>file when I get it on NewZap.
>Does someone have any suggestions, or could you direct me to any
>utilities which may be able to repair files or blocks with
>damaged checksums and validate the partition?  Also, Filemaster
>will not write to the disk.  Anything I do comes up with
>"Volume Misc not validated".  Is there anything I can do?
>Please reply email ASAP since I have to get this partition working
>by tomorrow.
>Thanks very much,

Thanks for all the replies.  Most suggested that I buy QuarterBack Tools.
I tried a PD utility called FixDisk which would not work with my hard
disk partitions.  Finally I just copied the important files and formatted
the partition.  I got one good suggestion that I find the hash table for
the file and zero it or something.  I am fairly useless at navigating
my way around the AmigaDOS file system.  However, if I could get to the
offending block I could just as well fix the checksum using DiskZap.
Unfortunately, DiskZap did not really know what to do with a hard drive.

I would like to find a way to disconnect a file from a directory if this
ever happens again - maybe a manual way to 'delete' the file and validate
the partition.  Any ideas ?

Anyway, post followups to comp.sys.amiga.misc and do not send me mail!

Thanks very much,