[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Hardware/Software Questions: New A1000 owner!

kentd@FtCollins.NCR.com (Kent.Dalton) (04/12/91)

Hello World,

Through the combined magic of US federal income tax returns and the used
amiga market, I was able to pick up a complete A1000 system for about
half the cost of the average MSDOS Windows application. :^) :^)

I've read the faq posted comp.sys.amiga.intro... and have some additional
questions (some of which might make nice additions to the faq).

If you know the answers to any of these questions, please take a few
minutes of your time and help a new user out. Replies can be posted here
or sent via email. If I get a large amount of email and others are
interested, I'll summarize.


1. Are there any PD or shareware programs that are considered 'must-haves'.
   Specifically: Paint programs, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, DataBase
     C compilers, and o' course games :^)

2. Is mg2a (microGNUemacs) available for the amiga? I use gnu emacs at work
   and mg2a is the most GNU compatible of the 'small' emaxen. If it's
   not available, what other small emacs compatibles are available (ftp'able)?

3. What's the best way to get booted up on Amiga software development.
   i.e.: what references do you find indispensible, especially for
   things that are unique to the Amiga and it's OS.
   I have extensive C experience under UNIX, VMS, and non-Amiga micros.

1. I have a 30Mb RLL drive mech that's currently unused. What is required
   to get this thing running with an A1000? I'd like a simple 3rd party
   solution. I figure I probably need some kind of host adapter and
   SCSI controller. If anyone has a used solution for sale definitely
   let me know!

2. Are there any 'PD' hardware hacks I can do myself? Like a text file
   explaining a DIY RAM upgrade or other stuff like that?

3. What expansion/upgrade options are available for the A1000? (I know it's
   generally not compatible with hardware expansions for the 500/2000.) 
   If you have experience with *any* A1000 hardware upgrades please share your
   experiences: how they performed, how difficult they were to install, etc.

   Here are some A1000 products which I've seen advertised in Amiga mags:

   1. Kwikstart - allows installation of 1.3 or 2.0 ROMS

   2. Rejuvenator 1000 - Allows use of ECS, extra 1Mb RAM, Kickstart ROMS. I'm 
      especially interested in info on this.

   3. CSA Turbo Amiga - I saw one of these advertised used on the net. It said
      it added Zorro II slots (same as A2000, right?), this means you
      buy A2000 cards and just plug 'em in and go right?

   4. Processor upgrades/accelerators - which ones are A1000 compatible?
      I've heard of Sapphire, MidgetRacer, and AdSpeed.
   5. Ram expansions: Insider II, minimegs, others... Some say internal,
      some say external, what's the difference?
   6. I've heard that the A1000 can be made compatible with A500 expansion
      bus. Is this true?

   How compatible are these upgrades with one another? For example, can I
   install an Insider II *and* rejuvenator? 

All replies/followups greatly appreciated. 

Thanks for reading,
/* Kent Dalton                     * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
/* NCR Microelectronics            *   CIS: 72320,3306                    */
/* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A        *                                      */
/* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525    * (303) 223-5100 X-319                 */
Jone's Law:
	The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
	to blame it on.

al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) (04/14/91)

kentd@FtCollins.NCR.com (Kent.Dalton) writes:

>1. I have a 30Mb RLL drive mech that's currently unused. What is required
>   to get this thing running with an A1000? I'd like a simple 3rd party
>   solution. I figure I probably need some kind of host adapter and
>   SCSI controller. If anyone has a used solution for sale definitely
>   let me know!

   Hmmm... If you plan to connect it to your
machine via a scsi controller than get yourself
an adaptec a4000/a5000 [?], a little thingy that
connects an mfm/rll drive to an scsi controller.
[not 100% sure about the part#]

>2. Are there any 'PD' hardware hacks I can do myself? Like a text file
>   explaining a DIY RAM upgrade or other stuff like that?

   YUP! One thing that's available and quite
popular is the lucas/frances hack, lucas is
a 16mhz 68020/881 accelerator board that you
build, and frances is a 4 mb 32bit expansion
ram for lucas. If you want more info on the
board, there's a file on ab20.larc.nasa.gov
called '/amiga/hardware/lucas.lzh' which 
contains info about the beast. I don't know
if the author of the lucas/frances pair is
still around.
   FOR EVERYBODY ELSE: Has anybody gotten
hold of Brad Fowles?

   Then, there's also in the same directory
the amscsi.lzh file, which detailes how to
make your own scsi interface, but it doesn't
have a driver yet; it's supposed to have also
a ram expansion module, but the author hasen't
been able to finish that yet.

   Also, there's a file called 'bynery.zoo' which
talks about building your own IBM HD controller
adaptor, but I don't know more about it.
If you have any trouble give me a ring.

>3. What expansion/upgrade options are available for the A1000? (I know it's
>   generally not compatible with hardware expansions for the 500/2000.) 
>   If you have experience with *any* A1000 hardware upgrades please share your
>   experiences: how they performed, how difficult they were to install, etc.

   Hmmm.. there's still available the insider/spirit
boards, also, spirit tech. also sells an a2000 memory
board with an a500/a1000 expansion slot. ALSO, a guy
some posts ago said he had plugged in a GVP S2 a500
harddisk/memory expansion into his a1000, the 1000
expansion slot is supposed to be identical to the a500
one, only that rotated 180deg HORIZONTALLY.

>   1. Kwikstart - allows installation of 1.3 or 2.0 ROMS

   Hmmm... I'd get one of those just to eliminate all
the bus noise in my machine.

>   2. Rejuvenator 1000 - Allows use of ECS, extra 1Mb RAM, Kickstart ROMS. I'm 
>      especially interested in info on this.

   That's a really nice one. I'd get one but I still
haven't scrapped up all the money :)

>   3. CSA Turbo Amiga - I saw one of these advertised used on the net. It said
>      it added Zorro II slots (same as A2000, right?), this means you
>      buy A2000 cards and just plug 'em in and go right?

That hasen't been commercially available for a long
time I think, although I do have the amigawhirled
mag where it was mentioned in the what's new column,
it also had a cpu slot and another two slots for
STATIC MEM boards. You could connect an '020/'881
thing and make it SCREAM.. [I think] :)

>   4. Processor upgrades/accelerators - which ones are A1000 compatible?
>      I've heard of Sapphire, MidgetRacer, and AdSpeed.

   Hmmm... I think they're all compatible. The Sapphire
is advertized for the 500 and 1000, I *think* that the
AdSpeed is for all machines, and definitely the MR is
for both the 500 and the 1000. Although I like more 
the MMR ;^)

>   5. Ram expansions: Insider II, minimegs, others... Some say internal,
>      some say external, what's the difference?

   Insider II, I think it only takes 1.5 megs, internal 
(plugs in cpu socket, cpu plugs in board). minimegs,
goes into the expansion slot, takes up to 2 megs, no
passthrough. I think the external ones are less noise
prone, besides being easier to install, but then I could
be wrong about the noise thing.

>   6. I've heard that the A1000 can be made compatible with A500 expansion
>      bus. Is this true?

   I think so. It's supposed to only be rotated
180deg horizontally. Besides, it's WELL known 
that commodores own HD for the a500 WILL work
with the a1000 just by turning it around, I think
that the others take into consideration the same
signals as commodores, so, at least theoretically,
they should work.

   A RUMOR: A guy said that it's possible to plug
an A2000 cpu slot accelerator into the expansion
slot of an a1000 or a500, just by changing the
gender. Can anybody corroborate this?

>   How compatible are these upgrades with one another? For example, can I
>   install an Insider II *and* rejuvenator? 

   I think that the rejuvinator will work with
the insider, the designer wanted it to be compatible
with internal expansion boards.

>All replies/followups greatly appreciated. 

>Thanks for reading,
>/* Kent Dalton                     * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
>/* NCR Microelectronics            *   CIS: 72320,3306                    */
>/* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A        *                                      */
>/* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525    * (303) 223-5100 X-319                 */
>Jone's Law:
>	The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
>	to blame it on.
| Gustavo Cordova Avila		 | al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx       |
| Electronic Systems Engineering | PL158305@tecmtyvm.bitnet	      |

tomlinson@elec.canterbury.ac.nz (M. Tomlinson) (04/15/91)

> > kentd@FtCollins.NCR.com (Kent.Dalton) writes:
> >
> >    A RUMOR: A guy said that it's possible to plug
> > an A2000 cpu slot accelerator into the expansion
> > slot of an a1000 or a500, just by changing the
> > gender. Can anybody corroborate this?
> A local hardware hacker (Mark Tomlinson, the person responsible for IBeM,
> the PC emulator) has a CBM 2630 board  plugged into his A500, and it works
> just fine. As far as I know, the board he built to do it is a straight
> gender changer, though he _might_ have had to shift one line (like I'm
> just a programmer ya know:-)

As a matter of fact, the only line missing on the A500 expansion socket is
a 7M clock line.  I had to put a small connection inside my A500 to bring
this out, but REV6 motherboards actually have a jumper inside them for it.

Apart from that, the only thing to watch for is DMA (my HD doesn't use any, so
that made it easier).

 - Mark Tomlinson

e-mail: tomlinson@elec.canterbury.ac.nz

tomlinson@elec.canterbury.ac.nz (M. Tomlinson) (04/15/91)

In article <1991Apr15.094505.458@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>, chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz writes:
> In article <3159@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx>, al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) writes:
> > kentd@FtCollins.NCR.com (Kent.Dalton) writes:
> >
> >    A RUMOR: A guy said that it's possible to plug
> > an A2000 cpu slot accelerator into the expansion
> > slot of an a1000 or a500, just by changing the
> > gender. Can anybody corroborate this?
> A local hardware hacker (Mark Tomlinson, the person responsible for IBeM,
> the PC emulator) has a CBM 2630 board  plugged into his A500, and it works
> just fine. As far as I know, the board he built to do it is a straight
> gender changer, though he _might_ have had to shift one line (like I'm
> just a programmer ya know:-)
The only line you have to add to the A500 expansion slot for this is the
7MHz clock line.  On REV 6 motherboards, there is actually a jumper for
this - but I added a wire on my motherboard.

The only other real problem is with DMA (this is handled by the new BUSTER
chip in the 2000's).  But since my HD doesn't use DMA (its processor driven),
I didn't have to worry about this.

 - Mark Tomlinson

Email: tomlinson@elec.canterbury.ac.nz

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (04/16/91)

I also have an A1000, and have done some research in the areas you
mention.  First of all, get yourself a copy of AC's guide to the
Amiga; it is not expensive, and lists the addresses and phone numbers
of literally every company that makes Amiga products.  My copy is at
home, so I can't provide addresses in this post.

PD or Shareware "Must-Haves" : I couldn't imagine living without
ConMan (freely distributable from William S Hawes; included with the
purchase of ARexx or WShell).  I also use a screen blanker (QMouse,
MachIII, PopCLI, or NewPop, depending on my boot disk).
Commercial Software "Must-Haves" : I know you didn't ask about this,
but there are a few commercial packages worth shelling out for right
away:  I wouldn't be without FaccII (ASDG), ARexx, and WShell (William
S Hawes).  I also have a bunch of productivity applications, but
that's a different story.
MicroGNUEmacs : I believe it is available (look on Ab20).
Software Development : Get one of the commercial or freely
distributable compilers out there.  Matt Dillon's DICE is a lot better
than the "Commercial" products in the beginning of the Amiga.  You can
also look into GCC (if you have the requisite hard disk and RAM) and
Draco (Chris Gray's own language, it compiles fast and will run just
fine on a 512k, floppy based system).  Commercal products include SAS
C, Aztec C, Benchmark Modula-2, and M2Sprint.

Attaching a IBM MFM or RLL hard-drive (this one should really go on
the FAQ):  There are three companies which make products to do this. 
Spririt Tech makes an assembled-and-tested interface, complete with a
case and power supply for the drive.  Pre'Spect Technics makes a whole
line of products, from a bare adapter board up to a product very like
the Spirit Tech box.  Palomax sells a "kit" of plans and software, and
also an assembled (but "naked" - no case or drive enclosure) board.  I
want to buy the Spirit Tech HDA-506 in the future (like when I get
some money).
PD Hardware Hacks: Yes, there are some; one of the best sources is
back issues of Amazing Computing magazine.
Expansion Options: A number of products are still available, but
compatibility varies; you should check with the individual
manufacturers before you buy.  My overall feeling is that the
ReJuvenator is a good product (it allows 1Mb Chip RAM, v2.0, and ECS
to be installed in the A1000).  I prefer my RAM expansions and hard
disk interfaces outside of the A1000, so I can plan on installing an
acellerator (LUCAS/FRANCES or MegaMidgetRacer) and the Rejuvenator
