[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Briwall

umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) (04/11/91)

     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.

          Colin Stobbe

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (04/11/91)

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In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>and I was
>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.

Briwall has an excellent reputation.  They and Safe Harbor have the
best reputations of US companies on Usenet.

I have ordered a couple of times from them myself.  They are courteous
and knowledgeable on the phone.  The modem I ordered was very
carefully packed.  The service was very quick, as the modem made it to
the other side of the continent in less than a week (normal UPS).

Their prices are sometimes a little bit higher than other companies'
prices, but it can certainly be worth the extra, since you're buying

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

ig29@roselin.DMI.USherb.CA (Robert Gagnon) (04/12/91)

In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
>and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.
>     Thanks,
>          Colin Stobbe
>          umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca

Briwall is a very trustworthy company.  I always order from them when I can.
They give great service, although their prices are sometimes higher than
other mail order companies.  Their shipping is reliable, even to Canada.
One problem though:  they don't have a toll-free number to Canada.  Oh well.

Robert //        MS-DOS au clavier, c'est criminel.  Qu'on se le dise.
     \X/ Gagnon  ig29@Terre.DMI.USherb.CA

fstuart@eng.auburn.edu (Frank Stuart) (04/12/91)

In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
>and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.
>     Thanks,
>          Colin Stobbe
>          umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca

A copy of my mail order list is on its way.

jimmy@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) (04/12/91)

In article <1991Apr11.175519.10952@DMI.USherb.CA> ig29@roselin.DMI.USherb.CA (Robert Gagnon) writes:
>In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>>In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
>>and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
>>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.
>Briwall is a very trustworthy company.  I always order from them when I can.
>They give great service, although their prices are sometimes higher than
>other mail order companies.  Their shipping is reliable, even to Canada.
>One problem though:  they don't have a toll-free number to Canada.  Oh well.

Ditto.  I've ordered 2 or 3 times from Briwall (software only) and once
I had to return my order because I forgot to mention it was for the Amiga
and they sent me a C-64 version.  Gave them a call and just returned it
and they credited my order, which I used to purchase something else since
the program I wanted was not released as yet.  

dtiberio@eeserv1.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (04/13/91)

In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
>and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.
>     Thanks,
>          Colin Stobbe
>          umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca

  They have a 24 hour order line (or at least they used to), plus they
accept returns that many companies wouldn't accept ala MGrant. They also
have one of those neat touch tone dialing systems when you call for ordering!

  And most important of all, they have a mascot (an ugly one, but they have

    David Tiberio  SUNY Stony Brook 2-3481  AMIGA  DDD-MEN  Tomas Arce 
           Any students from SUNY Oswego? Please let me know! :)

                   Un ragazzo di Casalbordino, Italia.

jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) (04/16/91)

In article <1991Apr11.024548.9777@ccu.umanitoba.ca> umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Colin Stobbe) writes:
>     I was wondering what the service record of "Briwall" is like.
>In the May issue of Amiga World they advertised a bundle of DCTV
>and ADPro (for $439) which looks pretty good to me, and I was
>wondering if it's a company I can trust my money with.
>     Thanks,
>          Colin Stobbe
>          umstobb1@ccu.umanitoba.ca

I always had very good service from Briwall.  I like them a lot.
Jerry Thompson                 |     // checks  ___________   | "I'm into S&M,
I loved the peace and solitude | \\ //   and    |    |    |   |  Sarcasm and
so much, I invited my friends. |  \X/ balances /_\   |   /_\  |  Mass Sarcasm."