[comp.sys.amiga.misc] KA9Q for Amiga help needed.

sck@watson.ibm.com (Scott C. Kennedy) (04/17/91)

    I have a Commodore Amiga at home and would like to run slip to/from it
via my modem. I have this working from a PC and need some really simple help
with the Amiga. Can some send me their autoexec.net for a 9600 baud modem
or could somebody tell me what the amiga wants it's serial port called. I
have already tried ser, aux, serial.device, SER:, AUX:, COM:, com, COM, Com
CoM, com0, sl, sl0, etc etc what else does it want? All of these respond with
unknown device. The other things I would like to know is what packet sizes
should I use. For the PCs I have just been using the defaults, is this wise?

Scott C. Kennedy (sck@watson.ibm.com)     | "All we are saying ...
Distributed High Performance Computing    |  is give peace a chance..." 
I.B.M. Thomas J. Watson Research Facility | John Lennon - Dec. 8, 1980