[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000 ProblemsSCUP

birjt@cc.newcastle.edu.au (04/17/91)

In article <1991Apr8.224601.19206@wpi.WPI.EDU>, jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John Dutka) writes:
> I need some help here, preferrably someone who troubleshoots 3000's.
> My 3000 has been having problems with the keyboard.  When booting, often
> from 1.32 to 2.0, but not always, the keyboard does not work.  The only
> solution seems to be unplugging and replugging in the keyboard.  The caps lock
> light will then go on, and the keyboard works.

I can help here.
Check that you power supply, ie the wall bit, doesn't have something on it
that is pulling a lot of power, such as a heater. I have the same trouble
on cold nights, if you switch off the load until the computer is up and
running then switch them back on everything is OK. It seems the A3000 needs
all the power it can get on a cold start, bit like my car.

> The second problem:
> My 1950 is also acting VERY strange.  Quite often, sometimes when on

Can't help here, sorry, mines perfect.

> Please E-Mail me any replies...
> John Dutka
> jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu
> -- 
> | husc6!m2c!wpi!jdutka | "Hey, baby - wanna do some HEAT TRANSFER?           |
> | jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu   |  Heh, heh, heh!"                                    |
> | John Dutka, Jr.      |     -Mechanical Engineers On The Prowl              |
