[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Reading IBM disks... Thanks

axpmw@acad2.alaska.edu (04/17/91)

Thank you all for your response to my question about a program
that reads IBM disks in an amiga drive.

For the one person who criticized where I posted my "STUPID" question:

Since my topic related to an APPLICATION program that would do what I 
wanted to APPLY it towards, that is why I posted it to

Sorry if I offended anyone by posting to a group that was inappropriate. I
was just trying to aim towards a group that might know the answer. But
since only 1 person commented about that, I guess he's the only one who
really minded.  I've not seen it in the FAQ list that I last read or didn't
remember if it was in there... SORRY!

But again, Thanks to all the EMAILers and POSTers who answered my question.

FYI: CROSSDOS was the overwhelming winner by far.  Cheap too! 


zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (04/17/91)

In article <1991Apr16.184703.1@acad2.alaska.edu> axpmw@acad2.alaska.edu writes:
>Thank you all for your response to my question about a program
>that reads IBM disks in an amiga drive.

Hey, that's what the net's for.

>For the one person who criticized where I posted my "STUPID" question:

Who, me?

BTW, I didn't think it was "STUPID."  I was quoting you.

>[explanation deleted]

>Sorry if I offended anyone by posting to a group that was inappropriate. I
>was just trying to aim towards a group that might know the answer. But
>since only 1 person commented about that, I guess he's the only one who
>really minded.

You neither offended anybody nor made me mind.  It's just that most
people don't seem to understand how to use the
comp.sys.amiga.introduction group, or simply don't read what is in
there (there really is some good stuff).  Since this question was
something that fit the charter of comp.sys.amiga.introduction, I just
thought I would take the opportunity to educate a few people about the
purpose of one of the various Amiga groups.  I do that once in awhile.
I like the groups better when the messages are organized in a predictable

I wasn't trying to get on your case about it.  Notice that I did
answer your question.  No need to get defensive.  Whatever you do,
don't be afraid of Usenet.

>I've not seen it in the FAQ list that I last read or didn't
>remember if it was in there... SORRY!

It is in there.  After I responded to your post.  Ferry (the monitor of
.introduction) sent me a message growling about how he slaves away at
being a monitor, and spent years of toil and his whole fortune making
a FAQ file and how nobody ever reads it and nobody appreciates him and
he might as well just drink poison for all anybody cares about him.
Well, maybe he wasn't that dramatic, but he did complain.
           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

ferry@chorus.fr (Ferry de Jong) (04/17/91)

In article <8809@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>, zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) writes:
>In article <1991Apr16.184703.1@acad2.alaska.edu> axpmw@acad2.alaska.edu writes:
>>I've not seen it in the FAQ list that I last read or didn't
>>remember if it was in there... SORRY!

Never mind, if everything is all-right the monthly postings should stay
around all month without being expired. So if you need it for some
reason, you should be able to find it back with your favourite newsreader.

>It is in there.  After I responded to your post.  Ferry (the monitor of
>.introduction) sent me a message growling about how he slaves away at
>being a monitor, and spent years of toil and his whole fortune making
>a FAQ file and how nobody ever reads it and nobody appreciates him and
>he might as well just drink poison for all anybody cares about him.
Did I say that?

>Well, maybe he wasn't that dramatic, but he did complain.
Well, I was a bit frustrated don't never even take me too serious.
Ask xanthian about it, he always has a very typical/strong opinion
about me distillated out of very little information...

(Disclaimer: I forgot how good it felt to waste bandwidth...)

 ___  ___  ___   ___  _  _     _    _
(  _)(  _)(  ,) (  ,)( \/ ) | ( \/\/ )riting software takes twice as long
 ) _) ) _) )  \  )  \ \  /  |  \    /        as you expect it to take...
(_)  (___)(_)\_)(_)\_)(_/   |   \/\/     Even if you keep this in mind!
e-mail: ferry@chorus.fr or ferry%chorus.fr@mcsun.EU.net