[comp.sys.amiga.misc] KS 2.0 loaders

rodmar@gn.ecn.purdue.edu (Rodney L Martin) (04/12/91)

What programs are out there that can load KS 2.0 into memory at 00c00000 and
where can I find them?

I want to be ready for 2.0 when it is released!

Rod Martin

jmauric@hubcap.clemson.edu (Phantom of Adexsi) (04/12/91)

From article <1991Apr11.220417.14915@gn.ecn.purdue.edu>, by rodmar@gn.ecn.purdue.edu (Rodney L Martin):
> What programs are out there that can load KS 2.0 into memory at 00c00000 and
> where can I find them?
> I want to be ready for 2.0 when it is released!
i think ZKICK does this. its available at ab20 ftp site.
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conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Robert Faulkner) (04/13/91)

When 2.0 is released it will be in Rom, you will not need a loader.  The
Loaders are made available for the developers to get it running on their 
Machines.  So basically you will not need one, but if your are still
adimant on getting ahold of one try ZKick on abcfd20.  But if you do not
have an A3000 and are not a developer then you should not have 2.0 and won't
need it.


Robert Faulkner                              conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
            ///                  Recursion:     Thinking
        \\\///    University of Texas                 about
         \\//   Amiga Computers                     Thinking

kyp@stsci.EDU (Mark Kyprianou) (04/15/91)

From article <47120@ut-emx.uucp>, by conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Robert Faulkner):
> When 2.0 is released it will be in Rom, you will not need a loader.  The
> Loaders are made available for the developers to get it running on their
> Machines.  So basically you will not need one, but if your are still
> adimant on getting ahold of one try ZKick on abcfd20.  But if you do not
> have an A3000 and are not a developer then you should not have 2.0 and won't
> need it.

I disagree, if my only option is to purchase the 2.0 ROMs when they are
released, then any software that will not run with the 2.0 ROMs is no longer
of any use to me.  If on the otherhand, I could load 2.0 KS into RAM, I have
the best of both worlds.
                 Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD 21218
        Mark     ARPA: kyp@stsci.edu  BITNET: kyp@stsci  SPAN: STOSC::kyp 
    Kyprianou    UUCP:   {arizona,decvax,hao}!noao!stsci!kyp

conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Robert Faulkner) (04/18/91)

>>From article <47120@ut-emx.uucp>, by conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Robert Faulkner)
>> When 2.0 is released it will be in Rom, you will not need a loader.  The
>> Loaders are made available for the developers to get it running on their
>> Machines.  So basically you will not need one, but if your are still
>> adimant on getting ahold of one try ZKick on abcfd20.  But if you do not
>> have an A3000 and are not a developer then you should not have 2.0 and won't
>> need it.

>I disagree, if my only option is to purchase the 2.0 ROMs when they are
>released, then any software that will not run with the 2.0 ROMs is no longer
>of any use to me.  If on the otherhand, I could load 2.0 KS into RAM, I have
>the best of both worlds.

Okay so that is a situation that arose a while back, why is software
incompatible with 2.0?  Could it be because of bad programming?  I 
can't answer for everyone, but IMHO software that is incompatible with 2.0
should be upgraded to support the new O.S.  2.0 has many features that add
to the functionality of it such as the asl library and gadtools library
etc. etc. etc. These extensions make programming so much easier and add a
standard interface look and feel to the Amiga. 

Also, if a company fails to upgrade its software and continues to market it
as a viable product, it will loose sales and eventually be forced to dis-
continue the product.  2.0 is the new wave, and it should be a major seller
for C= when it is finally released.  I am a developer and have been using
2.0 for a while now.  It works well, adds much improvement to the overall 
use of my Amiga and prevents a lot of unecessary repetition. And one major
benefit is that Coding is much easier (again IMHO). 

The obvious question is do you want to use 1.3 or 2.0, whatever you decide
on your configuration is yours to live with.  I understand that your concern
over software compatibility is a valid and important issue, and one that 
should not be taken lightly.  Hopefully companies will come up to the 2.0
standard, which should not require too much major recoding to complete.

However you should not be forced to loose the functionality of 2.0, to run
1.3 software.  

I hope I have stated clearly my personal opinions and beliefs, and always
remember these are just one persons ideas, not the entire Amiga Community.

I enjoy talking about this, and I am willing to converse on this topic more
if anyone else is interested.


Robert Faulkner                              conan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
            ///                  Recursion:     Thinking
        \\\///    University of Texas                 about
         \\//   Amiga Computers                     Thinking