[comp.sys.amiga.misc] TEK 4696 driver wanted

gardner@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Mike Gardner) (04/20/91)

My AmigaDos 1.3 manual states that the TEK4696 printerdriver can be
gotten from Tektronix or the AMIGA.DEV conference on BIX.   Has anyone
gotten a copy?  Can someone send me a copy/tell me where to find it 
without signing up for BIX?
 University of Illinois, Computing Services Office
 1304 W Springfield, Urbana, Il 61801
 Michael G. Gardner, Assistant Director, Networking, 1122 DCL
 (217)244-0914    gardner@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu  FAX (217)244-7089