[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A silly question...

cdavis@oucsace.cs.OHIOU.EDU (Charles Davis) (04/20/91)

Now this might be a dumb question, but here goes...

Has anyone considered using those IBM-PC slots in the A2000 (and A3000)
_WITHOUT_ a bridgeboard?  What I mean is getting a cheap Clone-on-a-board
and putting it inside the Amiga (much like a cancer tumor?  :^)

Would this work?  A system like this could be put together as follows:

	286 motherboard, 16MHz		$125
	1 MB RAM			$100
	monochrome w/printer port	$ 20
	serial/game I/O ports		$ 25
	hard/floppy cntroller		$ 70
	3.5" drive			$ 65
	40MB hard drive (slow)		$250
	--------------------------	----
		total			$655

This would require all 4 of the slots, and the extra bays of the A2000,
but you would have a quite respectable AT-clone inside, although any
commo between the two computers would have to occur externally through
either the serial or parallel ports.

Maybe this is silly (does the A2000 supply power to these slots without
the Bridgeboard present?), but I was just wondering....

If someone has tried this, please let me know.  If this is stupid, well
let me know that, too (I can take the criticism, I think :^)

(Some of you out there might just be thinking, "why not just get a cheap
clone, then?"  I guess I've just always wanted to fill up all my A2000's
slots, or something.)

				Charles Michael Davis

				(No cute signature block!  :^)