[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish Archives - Pledge Drive

detert@logdis1.hq.aflc.af.mil (CMSgt David K. Detert;AFSPACECOM/LKL) (04/20/91)

I've already sent my $10 and would certainly not mind if ALL the
monies collected were simply given to Fred.  After all, by archiving
HIS collection we DO take some money out of his pocket.  Granted,
he only has to send 1 set of disks out, but I think we all agree
that HE provides an INVALUABLE service.  Of course, we should be
mindful of storage requirements and some of the money could be set
aside for HD upgrades/repairs/etc.  The only problem with that is what
guarantee that whatever hardware WE collectively purchase will be
ALWAYS available for the intended purpose.  After all, students
graduate and faculty moves on.  Who will see that we get what we
pay for?  Don't get me wrong, I have gladly given my donation and
don't feel that I have any further rights to it.  As far as I am
concerned I paid for PAST service and some degree of future service.
It's just that some of the recent messages sounded like we were
getting into a corporate enterprise rather than just a bunch of Amiga
enthusiasts playing with some archives.  I suspect that NOONE expected
the response that was generated and therefore, noone was able
to do the 'what if' planning up front.  I also think 2 archive sites
would be great and wouldn't mind if the other site shared in our
money pool.  No one entity should have to pay for the disks, we should
all collectively be glad to do it.  Also, the FTP load would be lessened 
with more than 1 site.
Well, that's my $02.  Flame away!!!
Cheers, Dave
CMSgt David K Detert, USAF            MILNet:  detert@wpdis01.af.mil

PS.  Jack.  I also need kermit in JrComm before I can make any use
of your program.  I am all but convinced to make the switch from
Online, mostly because I see you as providing future enhancements
that MSS won't, they seem to only fix bugs, and not all of those at
that.  Anyway, I CAN'T get my host to allow anything other than
kermit, so kermit is a must for me.