[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Gameboy again

iwoehr@isis.cs.du.edu (Ivan Woehr) (04/20/91)

	Previously I saw a discussion about the gameboy emulator, it didn't
apply to me ( I thought ) till I went through my downloads direcotry to find
a file called emulators. Had trouble with it, but finally figured out that it
was an Lharc file. Now I need to know how to load the code! I tried to
cross-compile it with my Z80 Cross Compilier but no go. Anybody get this
thing to work???


    .....           .     .    * iwoehr@isis.UUCP
    :    :          :.   .:    * "Not to be confused with jwoehr@isis"
    :....: article  : : : : an * -----------------------------------------