[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help: Japanese font ????

cryanrm@cc.curtin.edu.au (04/15/91)

Does anyone know if there is a Japanese font available for the Amiga.  I know
someone who wants to add Japanese subtitles to a movie, using an Amiga,
and they are desperate to locate a suitable font.

Any source would be appreciated, Commercial, PD or FTP location would be
OK.  I have looked on ab20 but could see nothing related.

Thanks in Advance.

Bob Ryan.

 PSImail: psi%050529452300070::Ryan_BM
 Internet: Ryan_BM@cc.curtin.edu.au
 ACSnet: Ryan_BM@cc.cut.oz.au
 Bitnet: Ryan_BM%cc.curtin.edu.au@cunyvm.bitnet
 UUCP  : uunet!munnari.oz!cc.curtin.edu.au!Ryan_BM
 Postal: Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, 6102, Western Australia

icv@wet.UUCP (Ilsa VanHook) (04/20/91)

In article <1991Apr15.144822.7773@cc.curtin.edu.au> cryanrm@cc.curtin.edu.au writes:
>Does anyone know if there is a Japanese font available for the Amiga.  I know
>someone who wants to add Japanese subtitles to a movie, using an Amiga,
>and they are desperate to locate a suitable font.
I have some flyers here for Lion's MacFonts (he's converted, it says,
600 fonts from BMUG to Amiga diskfont format.)
Disk 3 shows a sample of some kana fonts, but I don't see any kanji.  If you
want to check, write:
  Lion Kuntz, 482 Hayes St., San Francisco, CA 94102  USA