[comp.sys.amiga.misc] UK <--> USA internet & BBS's

Randy.Smith@f210.n110.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Randy Smith) (04/22/91)

Hi All!
  I will be moving to the United Kingdom in a few months.  I'm headed 
for RAF Mildenhall (near Newmarket in East Anglia).  I'm trying to find 
out a few things before I head out.  Does anyone know of any BBS's over 
in that neck of the woods that have a capability of sending messages 
back to the states?  I know Fidonet reaches over there, but that will 
cost money.  I'd like to communicate with my friends back here in the 
states via internet-style e-mail.  One other thing, does the UK have any 
national computer networks like GEnie, Compuserve, or People/Link?  
Other than the BBS's I find People/Link is great for getting access to 
new software and vendor support.  Reply directly back to me via the path 
that this posting took or rjs153@iss1.af.mil or 
Randy.Smith@afitamy.fidonet.org.  Thanks for your help,


AFIT Amiga Users BBS/UFGateway |Randy Smith - via FidoNet node 1:110/300
    1:110/300 Dayton, Ohio     |UUCP: afitamy!210!Randy.Smith
        (513)-252-7681         |ARPA: Randy.Smith@f210.n110.z1.FIDONET.ORG